Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism



o_O,now I get why you guys hit so many headshots,you losers play at 640x480 res.,so my Head looks so much big to you noobs,.DIE DIE DIE.:>
That is probably one of the most stupidest things I have ever heard.


MMO Addict
I did some fragging today at Hellz. Looks like I've not lost the touch. Did some 300 frags n Owned em all. Some poor guy said, "sam you are fking awesome".. :D


die blizzard die! D3?
^^OMG,You might wanna switch OFF your haxx0z when you play with us!!:p.AND you tell me whenever you play at hells!

infinite:back to 256kbps......:(.We need someone with 2mbps UL,:(.
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