Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism



I can leave server hosted for some time if you want . I'd have to check bandwidth this month, I don't think I've used alot for this month though.


die blizzard die! D3?
^^doh,what did I say!!!
OMG sunny,you are one of the oldie but you left this game sometime back,you prolly hosted server too afaik,and you have my Y!IM and we have actually met! wtf does that prove?You are still my friend!

OMG,you people depress me!


die blizzard die! D3?
I can leave server hosted for some time if you want . I'd have to check bandwidth this month, I don't think I've used alot for this month though.

that would be great,please do check your bandwidth before cus we don't want anyone to suffer,even if its YOU!

and besides everybody is gonna be having 200+ pings on amitava's server except him,which sucks cus he sucks even with 0 pings.

I think sunny's 2mbps UL will do just fine,If he happens to have one of those routers...


that would be great,please do check your bandwidth before cus we don't want anyone to suffer,even if its YOU!

and besides everybody is gonna be having 200+ pings on amitava's server except him,which sucks cus he sucks even with 0 pings.

I think sunny's 2mbps UL will do just fine,If he happens to have one of those routers...

/me comes out of nowhere and gives TDH a Wedgie and RUNS!!!!!!!!!!
OK temme how to host servers and stuff.
I've got Beetel WiFi router.Dunno which one though:D

AFAIK I am on bridged mode,so no issues with Port Forwarding as such.

BTW I played today,fragged 6 and got sliced 4 times.Quite poor.
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die blizzard die! D3?
^^contact network nerd Filled-Void for that.you don't have the MTNL given router?

join think-digit irc channel.

Don't worry about your skills,we expertise in noob 'search and destroy'.We Know what you do,we know where you hide,and we know how much noobs suck.
I'm on Airtel 1Mbps unlimited but my Downstream is 2557 kbps and upstream is 572 kbps as per my Modem.I get download speeds of 260kBps +.Yes Sir Yes,you heard right .Surprisingly fast!!

Coming right away!
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die blizzard die! D3?
Filled-Void's Serber up pepul:

use /connect at hte console(~)

Join in....:D

hahahaha,look who got pissed!!!

Filled-Void:It wasn't ping lag,it was the actually due to your slow down\up rates.Thanks for hosting anyways,The horror din't last long!

so people,how was it like getting spas'ed by me?
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