Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Well today around 3am, I reached my best ratio, 100:36.....:) on Hellsheaven. The map was Algiers.

It may not be much for you all, but for me its good...:)
^^our team is |337,not noob,wtf?

Open challenge to any pair against me and filled-void,any type of game.:D
How can you become |337 this fast ? The last time I played you before my break, we were nearly equal in power. Now I forgot everything and am learning from scratch while you suddenly become |337 ?


die blizzard die! D3?
^^haha you wish.

open challenge to anybody,any gametype anywhere.:D

edit:just beat samserious and imnoobbaby by 110:71(my score) against them both and me alone in DM.Lol,that even after they were playing together like siamese twins.lol.

just read their poor excuses(my pings sucked....haven't been playing...blah blah blah.)
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Cyborg Agent
You people still play this game? Awesome. I played after many days today and had loads of fun. If you still play, tell me when and where so that I can join the party.
BTW, I have a couple of ques about this game?
1. Can I use both Kevler and helmet at the same time? How?
2. How to differentiate between friend and foe while using the tactical gogs?
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Staff member
2. Friends will spare you foes will hole you, thats simple, isn't it
1. it depends upon the map maker guy, for some you get various combos for other its sh!t forced
You people still play this game? Awesome. I played after many days today and had loads of fun. If you still play, tell me when and where so that I can join the party.
BTW, I have a couple of ques about this game?
1. Can I use both Kevler and helmet at the same time? How?
2. How to differentiate between friend and foe while using the tactical gogs?
dude, I missed you.
remember us teaming up loooooooooooong back ?:D


Staff member
tell ur friends to have custom apparels, they can have fancy caps so that u can distinguish them


Cyborg Agent
There seem to be no servers for this game any more. The hellsheaven server randomly starts giving a ping of 350ms. And most of the servers are for low pings only, so I can't play with my 300+ pings :-(


Slideshow Bob
Just started playing dis game yesterday, and it rocks!!! :)
Just came F2F wid [DF]Whatever on the |CC|Clan Japan's Playground server dis morning, and he kicks some serious a**!!


die blizzard die! D3?
^^what was your nick?Dude that was the only server I was getting some ~200 pings,my pings sucks even more during daytime.Nights are better.:D

oh and yea,that sucky map ricochet,I was playing that map for the first time so really wasn't getting my angles quite right.


The cake is a lie!!!
^^ add a [DF] tag to ur nick so that any fellow member can i dentify you.

BTW, the pings are horrible these days. :(
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