Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

How Do I join the DF clan?
step #1: practice
step #2: start playing well
step #3: come over to the unoffitial digit irc[freenode.net, #think-digit]
step #4: state that you want to join
step #5: if a few of us from this team are present, we will interview you
step #6: there will then be an initiation test
step #7: if you pass, you are in.


Right off the assembly line
step #1: practice
step #2: start playing well
step #3: come over to the unoffitial digit irc[freenode.net, #think-digit]
step #4: state that you want to join
step #5: if a few of us from this team are present, we will interview you
step #6: there will then be an initiation test
step #7: if you pass, you are in.

Ok. I think ppl are already familier with me on the #think-digit channel since I go there often, every now and then. And well I have been playing for a while now.
So I guess its the initiation test that holds importance now.
On which server(s) do you guys play so that maybe you can have a look on how I play :)
I play on ' hellsheaven.co.uz' and 'Alpha|Clan DeathM' mostly.

Also, if and when i do manage to become a part of the clan, what next? Do you guys have a dedicated server where you play matches against other clans?

UPDATE: the above post makes me feel like stupid. I thought there was much more seriousness to the CLAN thing and that you guys play as a team. Correct me if I am wrong.
Ok. I think ppl are already familier with me on the #think-digit channel since I go there often, every now and then. And well I have been playing for a while now.
So I guess its the initiation test that holds importance now.
On which server(s) do you guys play so that maybe you can have a look on how I play :)
I play on ' hellsheaven.co.uz' and 'Alpha|Clan DeathM' mostly.

Also, if and when i do manage to become a part of the clan, what next? Do you guys have a dedicated server where you play matches against other clans?

UPDATE: the above post makes me feel like stupid. I thought there was much more seriousness to the CLAN thing and that you guys play as a team. Correct me if I am wrong.
we guys don't "play as a team" all the time. We "train as a team". we divide ourselves into two teams and kick each other's asses, and occasionally have fun blasting out other clans.

But this is all mainly for TP, because some of us have our own "proper" clans to attend to and others are just casual gamers. This clan is just a place for some of us in this forum to hang out.


Firstly, the entire virtual blood thing was meant as a joke/blessing as in you frag so many people that you're covered in thier blood.

Secondly, I've been playing for little over a week now, am getting pretty good, though i can't snipe for nuts and often end up squirrel lunch cuz of PSGs and Sr8's, though its still shitloads of fun, lately i play on the |CC| clan playground server, the server cycles through maps a lot faster than hellsheaven, plus im sick of riyadh and the bath which are the only two maps that hellsheaven runs on 90% of the time.
PS- I can't stand the "elgin/eagle" map either
Anyone have any gun preferences? I like the G36/M4/LR with the DE, wearing a kevlar vest and helment and a silencer/medkit
i like Pistols,G36, AK 103 and LR
I love the G36 + Silencer combo. I act as a silent sniper/assaulter with this, and I add a SPAS to my arsenal for close combat if nessassary. Silencer is optional though, and the G36 is still highly effective without it.


Just add the [DF] tag. No one really cares about how you play. Its mainly there as an identifier. As far as scores trust me when I say that everyone here just plays once in a while in UrT for fun and could care less if your scores are bad.


who are you replying to ?

To the people who think they cant use the DF tag to their nicks. Theres quite a few people who sont play with DF tags like d1g1t cause some people believe they are "too noob" . As I said earlier this isnt about going to some clan war for some kind of gaming tournament. THis is about having fun. If you want tohave a df tag just place it there lol. Theres no need to ask anyone.


UPDATE: the above post makes me feel like stupid. I thought there was much more seriousness to the CLAN thing and that you guys play as a team. Correct me if I am wrong.

Come and play against me and whatever as a team. I'm usually the medic though. he does all the killing :D .
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