Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Cyborg Agent
Ya they are mostly bad. But I have observed that it keeps below 200 every evening. Again, it may just be a coincidence. But it's fun as hell when the pings are ok.


Slideshow Bob
My ping times usually range between 250-350 :(
Maybe that explains why I get killed so much! In an earlier post, someone had explained the role of upload & download speeds, and my upload speed is not so good :(


The cake is a lie!!!
^^ Don't you have a 256K connection? That should be enough.

Pings used to be ~150 at hellsheaven server, but these days i m getting abt ~350. Hope it will be back to normal soon.


Slideshow Bob
Yup, it's a 256K connection but the upload speed is around 100-150K. I usually play at |CC| Clan's Japan Playground, where the ping times are 220-260 ms.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
My pings are 500+ at Hellsheaven.....:mad:

And when I get 300ms pings, the connection is laggy......Thats even more worse....:mad:

Even Airtel guys who used to get 130ms pings are getting 300ms pings......


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Can someone beat this??

My pings to Hellsheaven......

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=1772ms TTL=117
Reply from bytes=32 time=1780ms TTL=117
Reply from bytes=32 time=1761ms TTL=117
Reply from bytes=32 time=1796ms TTL=117

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 1761ms, Maximum = 1796ms, Average = 1777ms


Pee into the Wind...
I always get nice pings on RSA.On most servers I have around 160 ping.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

I:\Documents and Settings\Jaydeep>ping

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=113ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=113ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=115ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=114ms TTL=115

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 113ms, Maximum = 115ms, Average = 113ms

I:\Documents and Settings\Jaydeep>


Cyborg Agent
@Gagandeep: Sometimes their server goes down. Many times infact. Then it shows pings like that. Now it has been down since many days I guess because it is not even coming up in my server list. Ha anyone played in the Hell server since the last 1-2 days?


Slideshow Bob
Aw man!! I was having fun at Hellsheaven, and then BOOM!! Power failure :(
Gagan was there too!! I'm still a relative n00b after 2 days :D
talking about n00bs, I guess nobody is a bigger n00b than ME today.
I used to be pretty good, and [DF]Whatever(The_Devil_Himself) and [DF]M3ta|ph03n1X(Myself) had the same skill once upon a time. During our last match together, I got one more frag than him. Then I quit due to studies, and didn't play for a few months. Now, when I try to play it again, I play like sh!t, with horrible firing. But [DF]Whatever is now 1337. Its like in my absence, all my skills were absorbed by him, because he is nwe the strongest and I am now the weakest player.


die blizzard die! D3?
talking about n00bs, I guess nobody is a bigger n00b than ME today.
I used to be pretty good, and [DF]Whatever(The_Devil_Himself) and [DF]M3ta|ph03n1X(Myself) had the same skill once upon a time. During our last match together, I got one more frag than him. Then I quit due to studies, and didn't play for a few months. Now, when I try to play it again, I play like sh!t, with horrible firing. But [DF]Whatever is now 1337. Its like in my absence, all my skills were absorbed by him, because he is nwe the strongest and I am now the weakest player.

is it so?


die blizzard die! D3?
^^yea,dont feel like coming,too crowded and generally boring.

been playing c&c:generals online(I got original) quite a lot.(even the people in newbie lounge beat me....:()

also trying my hands on warcraft3.:D,so two strategy games and there is always bomb mode in UrT,:D.
is it so?
Yes it is :(
The last time we played together during my peak days was on that map with the empty railway lines. Forgot its name. We both were using AK103+LaserSight and MURDERING those pathetic opposition players. It was something like rush in, kill three to four, die and repeat cycle.

Now I SUCK. But I don't have time to catch up, since that would need me to game for a long time, which I can't since my free time is terribly fragmented this year. The longest free time I get is 3 hours each in sunday, tuesday and wednesday evening.


Slideshow Bob
Played 'The Bath' 2day, Bacillus & Spartan (Infinite) were thr too! I'm improving, but am I good enuff to join the clan yet? :D
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