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Wanted to post this yesterday but forgot. But it would have gone like this

"Today I learned that APC UPS are not available anywhere in Ghaziabad, unless you pre-order it via a retailer/dealer"


Whoa... Easy there boy!!! What's the matter???

Just going through a tough phase, and seeing that how difficult it is in this world to do something that you love, and seeing that all what we have is to succumb to Corporate Slavery and just be slaves for rest of our lives, rich just getting richer and poor and us middle class, just stagnant or going worse.. :cry:


Sith Lord
Staff member
^edit : oh hadn't read that when I posted. yes you are right, think about it, don't let it depress you.

most helpful thing may just be this
Today i was introspecting and learned that the moments of tension in my life are due to the fact that i have been living outside in i.e. doing what society/ego says is right to achieve a internal sense of peace and approval. Instead i have to constantly remind myself to live inside out i.e. be who i am, do what i like and bask in my own glory. :D

these are all personal things, at least post links to so other can also learn whatever you learned


TIL that i know less about India.
Try the quiz below:


18 correct, 3 wrong. 86%..

I Wish my college results were like this. :p :(


Live to die another day
TIL that i know less about India.
Try the quiz below:


21 correct, all of those questions were easy
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