ThinkDigit Chefs


Any advice on cracking the egg ?? I found it hard to get the contents of the egg out in the glass , as most of the shell part got crushed and bits of the shell fell into the glass along with the liquid.
I tried to hit the egg with a spoon in order to break it.


In the zone
Spoon is fine. One stroke of the spoon should be enough to remove the shells. With practice you shall know the right amount of force required. Nobody can teach you this. Just practice. Also while removing the shells, just open the dent (created by the spoon) a little more than required with your thumbs. Don't completely remove the shell at once. Go slow at first. With practice you will gain speed.


Is it okay to eat omlette on a daily basis ?? I'm skinny , and my digestive system ain't that good.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
The best chef in the world is who eats his wives meals without a word and praises her or else he becomes a real chef himself... (for the rest of his life) [EDITED]
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In the zone
@rishi it's ok to eat but not more than 2.
1) First check your appetite. Do you find yourself hungry enough at times. Or is it that whatever good you eat doesn’t transform to body mass? Buy LIV. 52 DS by Himalaya. It's a very effective syrup and as like other Himalaya products doesn’t have any side effects. It will check your hunger.
2) A weak digestive system is a thing to worry. You should not eat upto your neck. This applies to everyone though. Improve your haemoglobin content in blood (Very very important). Buy Cherry Syrup. Consume two spoons of it twice a day.
3) Never ever consume tea/coffee/soft drink/nimbu pani on empty stomach. NEVER. Long time consumption of these are one of the reasons of intestinal ulcer.
4) Ditch junk food as far as possible. They are good for nothing. Occasionally it's all right.
5) Build your strength and muscles. Eat gur (jaggery) with all night soaked black gram (kala chana) along with soaked moong). Prefer white boiled eggs to omelette.
6). Work out. You can't expect yourself to eat all day and do nothing.
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@rishi it's ok to eat but not more than 2.
1) First check your appetite. Do you find yourself hungry enough at times. Or is it that whatever good you eat doesn’t transform to body mass? Buy LIV. 52 DS by Himalaya. It's a very effective syrup and as lije other Himalaya products doesn’t have any side effects. It will check your hunger.
2) A weak digestive system is a thing to worry. You should not eat upto your neck. This applies to everyone though. Improve your haemoglobin content in blood (Very very important). Buy Cherry Syrup. Consume two spoons of it twice a day.
3) Never ever consume tea/coffee/soft drink/nimbu pani on empty stomach. NEVER. Long time consumption of these are one of the reasons of intestinal ulcer.
4) Ditch junk food as far as possible. They are good for nothing. Occasionally it's all right.
5) Build your strength and muscles. Eat gur (jaggery) with all night soaked black gram (kala chana) along with soaked moong). Prefer white boiled eggs to omelette.
6). Work out. You can't expect yourself to eat all day and do nothing.

Yeah , I guess my lifestyle which doesn't involves any physical work stressful enough to digest the food or cause lots of hunger. I had no issues with digestion earlier , but now it's following me like a dog. I am trying to cook food myself , because eating outside everyday makes it worse. ( have been doing this from past 3 years)
PS : I have developed this digestion issues in regards to milk & milk products . Months ago , I used to drink almost half a dozen bananas and half a ltr. full cream milk at once. Now I can't manage to digest even a glass full of it.
I went to a very good doctor , and all he told was that this is a intestinal infection and it'll take time to get healthy. ( The ecosystem of gut has been wiped out of healthy beneficial microbes ).


Steam High Templar
Yeah , I guess my lifestyle which doesn't involves any physical work stressful enough to digest the food or cause lots of hunger. I had no issues with digestion earlier , but now it's following me like a dog. I am trying to cook food myself , because eating outside everyday makes it worse. ( have been doing this from past 3 years)
PS : I have developed this digestion issues in regards to milk & milk products . Months ago , I used to drink almost half a dozen bananas and half a ltr. full cream milk at once. Now I can't manage to digest even a glass full of it.
I went to a very good doctor , and all he told was that this is a intestinal infection and it'll take time to get healthy. ( The ecosystem of gut has been wiped out of healthy beneficial microbes ).

Dahi kha bille. :)


Steam High Templar
Sach me ?? Will that work ??
Although it's fall but still I will try it , I can afford cold rather than a poor stomach.

It has "Good Bacteria" Lactobacillus,Aids in digestion
There are "Pro-Biotic" Ice-Creams,Drinks(Yakult) also if you dont like dahi :)
Eat as Raita/Curd-Rice/Mishti-doi(Dahi aur Cheeni ko bowl mai daalo,Beat it well,eat it)


It has "Good Bacteria" Lactobacillus,Aids in digestion
There are "Pro-Biotic" Ice-Creams,Drinks(Yakult) also if you dont like dahi :)
Eat as Raita/Curd-Rice/Mishti-doi(Dahi aur Cheeni ko bowl mai daalo,Beat it well,eat it)
Thanks for suggestion. I will include that in diet , right away.


Can you guys recommend few things that are healthy for stomach , and are easy to cook. ?
I am including yogurt , buttermilk in my diet from today.

I recently learned how to make "DaaL-Tadka". Not sure if it's okay for stomach but I know it's good in protein.


In the zone
Daal is protein rich and staple food of india. Daal tadka is more tasty. Arahar, chana, masoor - try all these. Eat saag - laal saag, hari saag (palak, bathua, sarson). Though you won't find laal saag in delhi (i haven't encountered during my stay). Saag is very easy to cook but time consuming. Not a bachelor's cup of tea


I made some charcoal from milk yesterday :p
Actually i put the milk on gas for cooking it and forgot. when i returned back, the milk was gone and room was filled with smoke. thank God the pan didn't caught fire.


I made some charcoal from milk yesterday :p
Actually i put the milk on gas for cooking it and forgot. when i returned back, the milk was gone and room was filled with smoke. thank God the pan didn't caught fire.

how did it taste ? the charcoal ?


Whompy Whomperson
I made some charcoal from milk yesterday :p
Actually i put the milk on gas for cooking it and forgot. when i returned back, the milk was gone and room was filled with smoke. thank God the pan didn't caught fire.

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