I came very late to join this thread. Actually i am very much delighted that even Indians are opening their blinders and try to get the bigger picture. Please don't stop here, spread the word. Its not about only this movie, there are many such movies out there. If we continue to remain in deliberate ignorance, the power elite would continue to ruin life of millions. The smallest and greatest thing you can do is to spread the word. Remember, their power is not their great military might, their power is stealth. If we can just spread this message, then it would be least selfless thing to do for the humanity. Please spread the message
More Good Movies
Terror storm
Ring of Power (just like Zeitgeist - one movies contains everything)
Fabled Enemies
Truth Rising
America: Freedom to Fascism
Money Masters (the most important, if u know a little bit economics and have the patience to watch it)
Money as Debt
If u r a regular truth seeker, then u must also be aware that Amero is already out. Its just a matter of few months for the crash of the dollar