The Windows 8 Thread


^^ if used this card, amount to be paid for win8 will be 39.99$ or Rs.1,999/- ?

having difficult time calculating the actual amount with all the conversions.


Took Off!!!
^^ yea, if you're getting it for Rs 1999, it will cost ~ $39-41...........entropay will charge you 4.95% of the amount you deposit, your bank will also charge you a slight amount (maybe 5%) for converting Rs to $...

I recently transferred $100 to my entropay account, in the entropay statement I was charged $104.95 (Rs 5712.95), but in my bank statement I was charged Rs 5904.82 ($108.64), my bank charged me 3.5% of Rs 5712.95 (Rs 200 ~ $3.68) for converting Rs to $......

Entropay (4.95% of $ to be transferred)
Bank (3.5% of Rs to be converted)
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Re: Windows eight Problems

My system Confgriation is as follows
Processor: Intel Pentium 4, 2800 mhz

Motherboard: Foxconn G31 MX, Shoket: LGA 775, Chipset: G31 MX

Ram: Dynet 1024 Mbytes DDRII @533 mhz

Hard Drive: WD Caviar Blue 500 GB

Optical Drive: Sony DVD R/W

Monitor: Viewsonic E40 resoulation of 1024*768

Internet Connection: Ncell Connect 500MB Data plan

Keyboard and Mouse: Ordinary Mulltimedia Keyboard and Mouse

Operating System: Windows Eight consumer Preview 64 Bit

Antivirus: Avast Antivirus

Media Player: Windows Media Player
Vedieo LAN Client 64 Bit version
Office Suit: Microsoft office 2007 Standard
Microsoft Office word 2007
Microsoft office Excel 2007
Microsoft office Power Point 2007

Browser: Google Crome

Problem: Yesterday i purchase a copy of Windows eight Professional. When i try to install the copy of windows Eight Professional from DVD drive following error occurred

"Windows Could not collect information for OSI immage file since the specified Immage file install.wim does not exist" PLS help me

As far as I know, there is no upgrade path from Windows 8 CP to Windows 8 Pro. You need to be on a full release OS to upgrade. Try to format your drive and then do a fresh install with the DVD. The dowloaded ISO worked great for me without any issues.

Ya its not working anymore !!

Anyway, I am looking for a complete REVIEW of Windows 8 Pro from FORUM MEMBERS. Please someone put up a REVIEW of Windows 8 in the REVIEW section of this forum.

What I have understood till now is:

- Windows 8 has actually TWO OS environment built into ONE. [ which simply means TWO different Apps for the same task, eg: Mail and Windows Live 2012. ]

- The Metro apps are full screen apps and you cannot minimise them.

- You cannot switch between Metro Apps quickly.

- You don't even know which Metro Apps are currently running.

- Windows 7 like desktop environment has MS Office Ribbon in the explorer all over the place.

- Games developers are not impressed by Windows 8 Metro UI.

Dude, I think you have misunderstood some things here:

- Yes, there are two environments and you have choice to use either of the apps. There is no issue if you dont want to use one or another. Some apps having double versions also gives security related advantages. Like for one, IE 10 when running in New UI mode does not loads all the plugins and everything including its own code runs ina a Sandbox. So its kinda more secure than the desktop version and you can use it for some purposes where this kind of security is required. Desktop version gives you access to all your plugins, the kind of old fashioned browsing experience that you had since always, of course with the enhancements of IE10.

- Metro apps are full screen but you can "minimize" them in two ways. First, go to the top-left of the screen with your mouse and use the app switching bar to switch to another app. Or go to the bottom left of screen and click on the start screen tile kinda thing that appears automatically to go to Start Screen. This will effectively minimize the app and it will be available in App Switching bar like other apps.

- As I said, all the running metro apps show up in the left hand side app switching bar. Plus, the task manager lists them too. Because of the way Modern UI experience way is designed, you cannot have an always on taskbar kind of thing for metro apps and that makes sense for me. Its very quick an easy to move your pointer to access the switching bar.

-Yes the ribbon is now present in most of the places. However, I have not found it much intrusive and like MSOffice, you can make it autohide by double clicking on any of the sections/tabs on it, if you want to use more screen real estate for file browsing in explorer for example. It can be useful at times if you get used to it.

- Well this point I am not an expert to comment about but I don't understand the fuss. For me, All the direct x / open gl games are working as they were in Windows 7 and before and thats the only thing i care about.


I am aware of the Shortcut keys ! But the question is why on earth should I use a shortcut key to do things ?? Why I simply cannot use my mouse instead.

The mouse gestures are not responsive at all, even if I take my mouse pointer towards the left the sidebar or whatever it is called never comes out with the running apps listed.

Its not easy to use with Mouse and Keyboard.

I needn't google for everything like you !! :grin: Or you should have asked Microsoft to include GOOGLE as HELP for Windows 8

Read my above points and tell me how many times i have mentioned the use of shortcuts. Almost every action is possible to be done by mouse as well as shortcuts and its not a rocket science that you can use a combination of both to achieve maximum speed. This is the way it is since windows 98, at least for me. Mouse alone or shortcuts alone get cumbersome at one time or another.

So dont just resist it without trying it out yourself. Dont take mine or anybody else's word for it (or anything else in life :) ), Try it yourself with open mind.

For the laptop I have mentioned in my signature, it has made a lot of difference in terms of performance and increased productivity. There were some initial hiccups for 2 days but now i am using it as my primary os and have no problem at all. I also use Fedora 17 on it now with Virtual Box in 1 GB RAM and 4 virtual processor configuration instead of a separate OS and it works great due to the VTx extensions on ivy bridge processors and low memory usage profile of windows 8.

I had some problems with VPN clients of Cisco and Checkpoint initially. But Cisco one worked with an easy workaround and checkpoint immediately released a fixed version for windows 8. So all good now with me :)


Took Off!!!
^^ also another easy method to switch between apps/desktop is by swiping your laptop touchpad, I accidentally swiped from left to right and it swapped to an open app, its really quick :-D


True Manchester City fan
Guys, I have finally installed windows 8 on another partition. But can you please tell me how to remove it? I mean how to remove another OS?


Aspiring Novelist
My inputs: is my take+rant:

I used the promotional code and paid INR 699 and DL'ed the ISO. It took like 6-7H on my 2mbps connection. After I got the ISO on my desktop I copied to my other system, and using the Win7 USB Builder tool created a bootable drive for my NetBook. The installation took like 15-20 minutes and after the final re-boot I was "shocked" that it takes like 70s to reach the desktop. The OS is quite seamless, and during installation only it connected to the wi-fi.


1. Is just like Win7 -till- the first reboot.
2. M$ Now starts to ask you a ton of BS about Windows IDs and some email accounts. Which can be ignored too, and you move forward.
3. It also asks you to create a user ID and password for system entry. I do not remember if this was voluntary. Later on this became a PITA, and I had to Google how to disable it.
4. Almost before the desktop it connected to the WiFi and asked some mail IDs.
5. Then it told me, I have tried too many times, and I skipped the step.

OS and Metro and Desktop:

1. is layered now. You have a Metro tile area (MTA) and then a desktop. Took me a while to realize that the WinKey (WK) can be clicked to toggle between the two.
2. I say a plethora of tiles on the on the MTA, and gleefully clicked on one. "This App cannot open/Change your screen resolution". Major bummer. Metro tiles are supported on 1024 x 768 or greater. So if you are running on a netbook lower, be ready for frustration session. There is a REG hack for this, which I implemented, but then the whole experience suddenly='ed SH*T. The hack enables for the Tiles to run, but then it asks for the IDs you set up in Installation. Now if those failed, you go to another in-tile browser to sign up. And I got (5) from installation. Pissing off. Anyways I undid the hack. But the dynamic tiles are updating, example: Weather.
3. The OS is a lot about short cuts, which you would all know. Control WK+I; brings up settings to the right on a vertical panel and changes can be done.
4. All device drivers that were required, were embedded and showed in green. Not bad.
5. OS is really really fast and snappy. My NB is performing faster, but that could be probably due to no virus client, but I doubt that will create a big differential.
6. Task Manager is really cool and trendy and shows a lot of run-time diagnostics.

Google Chrome Fiasco:

I installed Google Chrome, and it was running just fine. It was even launch-able from the MTA. I cannot remember, I did some setting change in Chrome, or clicked something weird and I started to get the persistent "This App cannot open/Change your screen resolution". I uninstalled it, and re-did the install, but it prevailed. It tried: Compatibility changes, force immersive switch, dev. channel download but it is just not working. I HAVE TO HAVE CHROME. Will probably clean install tomorrow. This really irritated me, and that is why I am up till 2:25 AM....!, FF is working just fine, and the lame donkey trotter IE is doing fine also. Incidentally I am able to launch Chrome from "run"; but it is not launching from MTA or the desktop. It is weird and funny, that it was working a while back.


1. Fast and preppy.
2. Quick to use and navigate.
3. Crappy for 600pi resolution. M$ -should- really have thought this out. So keep this as a consideration if upgrading.

The copy/paste interface has been jazzed up...!


Some more screenshots....!

Setting through the "charms" option:

Network connections. Note how the system intuitively is showing traffic for the active connection, it connects quite fast. Does not idle like Win7:

The task manager has a lot more options. Even start up applications:

More of startup, even network traffic is there, which is dynamic at run-time:


^^ yea, if you're getting it for Rs 1999, it will cost ~ $39-41...........entropay will charge you 4.95% of the amount you deposit, your bank will also charge you a slight amount (maybe 5%) for converting Rs to $...

I recently transferred $100 to my entropay account, in the entropay statement I was charged $104.95 (Rs 5712.95), but in my bank statement I was charged Rs 5904.82 ($108.64), my bank charged me 3.5% of Rs 5712.95 (Rs 200 ~ $3.68) for converting Rs to $......

Entropay (4.95% of $ to be transferred)
Bank (3.5% of Rs to be converted)

thanks, for the elaboration. i got a chance to use hdfc virtual card, so saved some money. :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
My friend has purchased Windows 8. He has got a serial key. (Rs. 699 upgrade)

Now from where he can download the ISO?


Took Off!!!
^ Download the windows upgrade assistant , and follow the steps there, it will show Rs 1999 as the price, but continue and in the checkout page you can enter the upgrade key, that'll reduce the price to Rs 699


^ errm he says his friend already purchased the upgrade.
tell ur friend to open the mail he received as purchase bill, there is a link for another "upgrade assistant". download that and execute it by double click, ur friend will be prompted to enter serial. do that, and choose upgrade path as "keep no files" (if it asks for such option), upgrade by creating media (usb/dvd), select dvd and it will ask for location save the download as .iso file. save it. ur friend then can create usb/dvd by using "windows 7 usb/dvd download tool".

justs remember, downloading the upgrade in 32 bit os will give u 32 bit upgrade iso, while in 64 bit os it will give 64 bit iso.


Aspiring Novelist
My friend has purchased Windows 8. He has got a serial key. (Rs. 699 upgrade)

Now from where he can download the ISO?

Ideally from "anywhere". But the key would have come, after certain questions were asked, so he should get 32 or 64BIT respectively. Else, what was said below your question. Use the upgrade assistant. And before you ask: UA, will not analyze the license status of the computer used to DL the ISO. Else the person can open his user account from M$ (they ask for last name, country, order number), and a DL ISO link will be there. Then your friend can use the Win 7 USB Tool, to build the bootable USB, and pronto.

Something like this:


Broken In
I was wondering if we could use the product key purchased with 1999 offer for fresh install..The reason why I am asking this is I am planning to get a new desktop PC sometime next year..i was thinking of buying windows 8 now and use it when I purchase the desktop.I had upgraded windows 8 in my laptop and it didnt ask for any current licence information and all...Anyone here managed to do a fresh install of windows 8?. If so i would definitely purchase one more key.


^^ the upgrade assistant collects the previous os key itself. u can not upgrade a previous windows key 2 times. u get license to install 1 windows 8 key in in 1 single system at any given point of time, but u can ofcouse do fresh install with the given iso.


Ideally from "anywhere". But the key would have come, after certain questions were asked, so he should get 32 or 64BIT respectively. Else, what was said below your question. Use the upgrade assistant. And before you ask: UA, will not analyze the license status of the computer used to DL the ISO. Else the person can open his user account from M$ (they ask for last name, country, order number), and a DL ISO link will be there. Then your friend can use the Win 7 USB Tool, to build the bootable USB, and pronto.

Something like this:
Can you please do Me a favour.... Please.. Can u share that download link please.. :)


Took Off!!!
^ if you were talking about upgrade assistant see post #293, the upgrade assistant is used to download windows 8


Guys I'm having any issue with my Windows 8 pro 64bit, my USB devices namely my 1TB External drive(USB 2.0), mouse, wi-fi adapter are getting disconnected randomly almost every half an hour. All the drivers are up to date. I can't figure out what's happening. Can anyone help!
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