The Photography Thread


Grand Master
Good try kaz :)

Guys I got a chance to shoot a post wedding shoot of one of my office girl :D she saw my flickr profile and got impressed...just the problem is I dont have much exp...I almost rejected her proposal then accepted after saw her excitement.


In the zone
^ I think you should go for this. It's a great opportunity to venture into wedding photography. A great way to bring your hobby to the next level. All The Best.


right here
Good try kaz :)

Guys I got a chance to shoot a post wedding shoot of one of my office girl :D she saw my flickr profile and got impressed...just the problem is I dont have much exp...I almost rejected her proposal then accepted after saw her excitement.

Thanks...And yes!!! you should go for that wedding shoot, you have all the gears...May be you will be getting paid offers soon :)


Good try kaz :)

Guys I got a chance to shoot a post wedding shoot of one of my office girl :D she saw my flickr profile and got impressed...just the problem is I dont have much exp...I almost rejected her proposal then accepted after saw her excitement.
Dada , Dont break her heart. plus its one of the biggest moments in her life. it would be fun to freeze.those moments.
You will do well.


Grand Master
thanks guys...Actually its a very special moment for her and I really dont wanna spoil that...but it seems she have lot of confidence in herself, she is really excited about this. I will do my best. The shoot is in August. A big test for me .

Nac I have something new to do now...and these mumbai girls definitely have some out of world ideas :D


How's this one guys ?
Captured some shots after long time. uploadfromtaptalk1405401398465.jpg


Yeah , I tried that but wind was blowing at terrific speed , plus the lack of a tripod for the heavy ts lens made focusing on the flowe difficult.


Right off the assembly line
DGT Click!

Hey, people.

Seeing the number of budding photographers on the forum, here's your shot at being featured in Digit's supplement, 'DGT'. Our Click section has a segment called 'Click'd' where we feature a new and talented photographer every month. If interested, respond to this thread or shoot an email to editor[at]digit[dot]in, and I'll be in touch!
(Click here to see how you would be featured in the magazine: Sample post)

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Please follow the following format when you send in your entry.

__________________________________________________ _____________________
Subject: DGT - Click'd - Featured Photographer

1. Image you'd like to showcase
2. Your portrait
3. A short bio of you or whoever took the photograph
__________________________________________________ _____________________
Ensure: Photograph and portrait are both of at least 300 DPI.
__________________________________________________ _____________________
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Thats a pretty good idea... Will enter
[MENTION=128954]sujoy[/MENTION], go for that wedding shoot. It'll be an awesome chance to shoot a proper event. Plus do take another guy with you, the way you can be sure you don't miss anything.


Grand Master
yaah amlan...I am already planning :)

Clicke'd section will be great ...just that it came up when I am less active :(


Right off the assembly line
If you want be be included in next month's issue, respond soon, we're going into print tonight!

Remember: send in your photographs and details to editor[at]digit[dot]in

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