The Photography Thread


[MENTION=120687]Raziel[/MENTION] Stunning captures! I really like the mood they convey. That's what i'm trying to improve, my clicks look they're dead & soulless :p

[MENTION=39722]sujoyp[/MENTION] Nice clicks, is she the one that asked you for a post-wedding shoot? :p
What are your targets, gear for that day, if that's okay to share. add SPOILERS to your answers :D

[MENTION=119713]nikku_hot123[/MENTION] the Dragonfly looks vivid and sharp! nice capture :doublethumb:

[MENTION=121890]kaz[/MENTION] [MENTION=8593]izzikio_rage[/MENTION] Nice clicks guys :)

Any update regarding the Click'd section? which one got selected?


Grand Master
[MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION] I am still practicing ...I dont have much exp with portraits ....
[MENTION=143631]axelzdly1[/MENTION] thanks...yes she is the same girl :D I dont really know anything right now...dont have light stand, nor umbrella in mumbai...I have just checked some pics related to that...but the girl have done much more research about poses and pics...will see when she comes back. Gear I have is 50mm 1.8 and 17-50 2.8 and 55-200 ....would love if someone can help me with a full frame :)


[MENTION=39722]sujoyp[/MENTION]: Nice shots there sujoyp. Agree with nac.
[MENTION=143631]axelzdly1[/MENTION]: Thanks, glad you liked :)

Posting a mobile snap taken a while ago.


[MENTION=120687]Raziel[/MENTION]: that is spectacular ... where did you get this shot from? A plane?
[MENTION=39722]sujoyp[/MENTION]: looks awesome, very candid fun shots.... do something like this for the prewedding shot and they'll be more than happy. Perhaps go to some romantic location (marine drive/bandstand)


Grand Master
[MENTION=120687]Raziel[/MENTION] ....thats an awesome shot...donno how you shot that :)

@amlan thanks ...I will try my best...right now she went to get married...her plan is for august ...I know what couples want ....they want surprise shots which are sharp and blurred background ....most preferable a green BG ...surprise in the sense candid...poses are ok but shots at the right moment really impress everyone ;)


[MENTION=39722]sujoyp[/MENTION]: [MENTION=8593]izzikio_rage[/MENTION]: Thanx guys, yes it was shot through the window of a plane. :razz:
Here's a clip I recorded..
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Need some help with landscape shots... Like a riverside or river bank shot.

I tried few shots but didnt seem to please me.
Will post one or two of em.


[MENTION=39722]sujoyp[/MENTION]: Nice shots there sujoyp. Agree with nac.
[MENTION=143631]axelzdly1[/MENTION]: Thanks, glad you liked :)

Posting a mobile snap taken a while ago.
I will like to have that in my wallpaper collection.


Thanks guys :)

[MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION]: It was a breathtaking view that I couldn't resist capturing.
The evening sun was setting over the horizon casting golden reflection on the sea, the slow moving of the clouds,...I could see shapes like huge space ships and giant whales floating lost in some fantasy world for some time. You don't get to see that view everyday..I was clicking for hours, and people beside were strangely looking at me. lol :p

just another snap.


Chillum Baba
We were sitting near the air cooler at the end of the summer and suddenly it started raining. The raindrops formed the bubbles in the water tank.



[MENTION=2935]a_medico[/MENTION]: Those bubbles looks great in shiny marbles. Good observation and nice sharp capture. :p
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