The Photography Thread


Aspiring Novelist
:wow: wonderful shot Prashant... There was a similar shot in the last month competition, I didn't think we could make this kinda shot with our compact cam... Really good... And nice bokeh...

Thank you guys... Two more shots for your C&C

I was looking for an opportunity in the middle of the night. No power, in the completed darkness I didn't expect this opportunity... First one when there was no power and the second one was shot after power came...


SX130; Av - f/3.4; Tv - 15sec; ISO - 200.

SX130; Av - f/3.4; Tv - 15sec; ISO - 200.

I am with these two photographs but still there could be some places where I can correct or imporve. So, please do comment...


Aspiring Novelist
@nac Notice the purple sky?
Since our cams aren't supposed to shoot 15s at ISO200, you need too fix white balance manually.
1st one looks better

Yeah, I think it's normal. The purple colour sky is visible even with the naked eye and I kinda liked the colour too. So I have enhanced a little bit. I did see purple colours before when shooting during cloudy/rainy days and late in the evenings.

Thank you... :)

nac 1st one is good....the bulb light in 2nd one is just too powerful and distracting

Yeah, it's distracting... Probably I could have avoided if have composed with placing the cam little lower.

Thank you... :)


In search for Tech Gyan!
@ Nac: I liked the second one, except as pointed out above, that the streetlight is stealing the viewers' focus off the beautifully lit yellowish moon.

Midday Flower - Pentapetes phoenicea (Dupaharia in Hindi)


In the zone
@mastervk : The bubble picture is very nice.
@marvelousprashant : good one

More photos captured by me:-



My 500px profile - [URL="*"jayantr7[/URL]


In search for Tech Gyan!
@ jayantr7: Liked your pics. The first and the last one. The second one's got good colours behind the clouds, but the clouds take away the attention in the pic. In reality, when one sees those colours, it's really amazing.


In the zone
Last one is good...
1st image needs some post processing. Colors are warm

@ jayantr7: Liked your pics. The first and the last one. The second one's got good colours behind the clouds, but the clouds take away the attention in the pic. In reality, when one sees those colours, it's really amazing.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm just 13 years old, so I am kinda new to photography and don't know much. I'm learning the basics of photography and post-processing, so it will take time for me to apply it in my photos.

@marvelousprashant: Can you tell me how you captured that "Startrails 70min long exposure" photo? Camera settings? Did you use a tripod?


In search for Tech Gyan!
13 year old? :shock: A big leap then! At that age, I didn't even get a camera (the film one), leave alone clicking a pic. I'm not that old too, BTW.


Cyborg Agent
@jayant Seems like you have the 550D. There are plenty of ways to do star trails. For that shot I left the camera on "Intervalometer" mode that takes infinite number of shots based on preset settings until battery run out. I used 0 second interval and took 108 shots over 72 minutes

The shot settings were
Shutter speed 15s
ISO 200
Aperture f/4 (maybe 3.5) don't remember

But these settings are arbitrary. You can do 5 minute exposures over 1 hour and stick them together. It depends on How fast your camera and PC/laptop are. My Camera takes too long to process long exposures but my laptop is fast and can stack multiple shots quickly. So I chose a lower shutter speed. Also the settings can vary according to brightness of the sky and noise produced by the camera... Mine gives too much noise with 5 mins exposure.

Best bet is to try single shots with varying exposure time. The shot in which sky is noiseless and stars are visible is the best. Best bet is to use ISO 400 on DSLR so as to get brighter trails.

To stack photos you will need a free app called startrails. It is automatic and pretty good

Startrails - 75 min exposure by marvelprash, on Flickr

(previous image had photoshop issues! edited and reposted)
Last edited:


Aspiring Novelist
:wow: :wow: :wow: wonderful shot Prashant... May be if you go bed early, you may wake up early ;) to shoot sunrise shot


Aspiring Novelist
Two years ago, you were "Needed to find some time" with this watch, now you've "broken it" ;)

Nice work Amlan...


Gadget Freak
I made Lightbox for fun :D
camera used: SX150 IS

Street Photography from my balcony ;)

Canon A520

Guys watch this page :)


Grand Master
super work prashant...

@tenida...I too made a light tent of my own with small lights around....nice car shot


Grand Master
u want glass background ??? u can get a non reflective black sheet...or a plain white paper sheet or colored non reflective sheets as backgrounds...for base if u want it shiny then put the sheet below the glass surface to get slight reflections below..or use marble/granite block.

and u need lots of lights...better use table lamp or at least u need light from top left,right and front...I made arrangement to even light the below of base soo that I could remove the shadows...but it was difficult that way


A small torch to light from the front :)

Didnt tried much is what I get from it ....the pink tint is cause of 40 watt yellow bulb

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