Two years ago, you were "Needed to find some time" with this watch, now you've "broken it"
Nice work Amlan...
Wow, how do you know that? but yup, this watch has been at my side for a lot of clicks .... RIP
Tenida and Sujoy,
Nice light box... Way to go guys...
I am not sure you could have avoided that shadow/not enough light by using on camera flash...
I checked your flickr photostream... Nice work man...
^ That comment was about Amlan's work...
on Flickr
Wonderful. You seem to be travelling a lot, because, you don't get to see birds like these everywhere.IMG_0704.jpg by marvelprash, on Flickr
superb shot prashant...never saw even 2 sitting togather
@tenida...nice try to get kingfisher...but u need 30x zoom for that it seems
prashant these are green bee eaters
Little green bee-eater videos, photos and facts - Merops orientalis - ARKive