The Photography Thread


In the zone
Frankly speaking I will not go for a non TTL model flash with a guide number of 38, and without a screen, for 4.5k when I can get 42 Guide Number, TTL, LCD Screen for 6k


Grand Master
yup I have changed my mind now I will also go for TTL one:smile:....

BTW I was shocked to see that pop-up flash have ttl mode...never tried that setting.:shock:..was using manual settings

Back to Macro:smile:



Grand Master
thanks thetechfreak....

This is all because of some knowledgeable people like toofan and sounava who always give great information that we should implement in practice

I am still learning:razz:


In the zone
yup I have changed my mind now I will also go for TTL one:smile:....

BTW I was shocked to see that pop-up flash have ttl mode...never tried that setting.:shock:..was using manual settings
What? :p The default setting is TTL and I have never changed it :p In manual mode for the popup flash you will always have to change the flash power by diving into the menu which is a big hassle. For external flashes though it is easier.

Btw there is flash exposure compensation too. And different flash modes like rear-curtain sync, slow sync etc. Experiment with those :)

And btw, don't take closeups of ugly insects :mrgreen:


Grand Master
once I was tinkering with all flash settings I might have changed it from ttl to manual in the 1st month itself

Remaining all modes I know and I have used it..though I dont know whats the use of rear curtain sync

Ugly insects...he he he ...I got only these 2 available...will search beautiful one for u:p


In the zone
An extension tube is just a hollow cylinder which goes between your lens and the camera body. So this increases the distance of your lens from the sensor. This will allow your lens to focus closer to your subject and this will magnify the image. Since there is no optics inside, there is no drop in image quality if you use extension tube.


Living to Succeed
An extension tube is just a hollow cylinder which goes between your lens and the camera body. So this increases the distance of your lens from the sensor. This will allow your lens to focus closer to your subject and this will magnify the image. Since there is no optics inside, there is no drop in image quality if you use extension tube.

So does it helps in Macro photography.... does it also increases the zoom distance of the lens


Grand Master
So does it helps in Macro photography.... does it also increases the zoom distance of the lens

yaah it increase the macro capability to a great extent...U must have seen any insect pic of mine :razz:

No zoom does not increase for that u have to get teleconvertor
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