The Photography Thread


Eager to learn.
@ sujoyp

Thanks for your encouraging words yaar.
btw, why didnt you like that 'leaf in grass' ?
please critique that photo.


In the zone
@ toofan: What lens/setup do you use for macros?

And I have an idea. Please tell whether others support it.

Everyone, when putting images, put one image at a time instead of sharing around 5-6 images at once. Putting one image at a time will help the other users to C&C easily and effectively. When you put some 6-7 images at a time all you will get is a "nice!" or something like that.
Also, since this is a linear thread, when someone puts up a photo, others should wait for some time for the photo to get some comments before putting their own photos.
For example, in the last page there are 20 (or more?) or more photos put up in a matter of minutes by so many users.
The result? No one got any constructive comments of criticism.

If the images are part of a series, like the series of shots of the kid by toofan, then its ok you can upload them all at once. Else it becomes difficult. Also, when uploading multiple photos try to number the photos as 1,2,3.. In that way we can comment on a photo simply by mentioning the number instead of "that monkey photo" or "that photo where he is looking that way with his hand this way".

Just my 2 rupees. Whether others will follow this is up to them.


Grand Master
@sounava...Idea is good but do we have a time to upload 1 pic at a time in regular would be tedious work...


Living to Succeed
puppet by ajayashish, on Flickr

Cane pots by ajayashish, on Flickr

My sweetie by ajayashish, on Flickr

_MG_1407 by ajayashish, on Flickr

_MG_1371 by ajayashish, on Flickr\

Chicken by ajayashish, on Flickr
Last edited:



Exposure 101.8 seconds
Aperture f/9.0
Focal Length :24 mm


In the zone
@sounava...Idea is good but do we have a time to upload 1 pic at a time in regular would be tedious work...
If your objective is to just show the pics then its fine. Otherwise if you want serious critique and want to improve your work based on suggestions, then you can follow my advice.

ajayashish: I liked the composition of the 1st picture (puppet). But it would have been better if the focus was on the eye instead of the hair.

stuge: as usual a stunning photograph.



Please Critique and post suggestions to improve in this genre.

Shot with 50mm 1.8 + 36mm extension. Thanks




_DSC8560 by toofan.v, on Flickr

Soumnya: I shoot macros with extension tubes and a 50mm 1.8 reversed or normal.
you have to buy the specifically made extension for your brand of DSLR.

abhinav: superb take.
medico: I guess he made this shot in night and that over exposed area in sky is due to moon. I may be wrong.

ajay: 1st is superbly done.


Grand Master
@toofan...I am not the best person to comment on ur abstracts but still..

I liked the 1st pink one coz its slight in focus...colours r looking great

2nd one I like around the base of the flower...its looking good there..

other two it seems out of focus or something is wrong.


Thanks Sujoy. these are experiments, I tried to reproduce the shot made by RAM. These are nowhere near to the original. Thats why needs suggestions and critiques.

What I tried is to make the stem in focus. and then get the shape of petals. But I know this was not the best flower to practice this type of shot.


In the zone
@toofan: My name is Sounava and not Soumnya :)

Do you use Auto extension tubes or manual cheap ones? I have recently bought those cheap manual extension tube and a reversal ring, I am finding focussing it extremely difficult handheld. I have literally move the whole camera to and fro to focus with the setup. So I was wondering how you are achieving such great sharp focus.

I liked the abstracts you showed above. I didn't particularly like the 4th one though.. No point in focus in that one, plus the colours of the b/g is almost same as the stem. This problem is bugging you in the other photos as well. The background is too shabby. The background works best in number 1 I will say. Try to hold a yellow plackard in the background next time to get a nice yellow coloured b/g :mrgreen:

Do note that what I said ar just improvements. The photographs are really nice btw.


Grand Master
I saw Ram's pics they r much closer and have some focus.....Anyways its good to try...I am yet to do these things ....aah soo many things to learn:p

@sounava...I hope u now know what it takes to take macros of insects who run away:razz: ...keep practicing...I too move cam to and fro for focusing:smile:
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