Cyborg Agent
@faun - Exposure was 1 sec.
@sriharsha - Your pics of sun are amazing. Wonderful colors you got from nature.
Thank you
Loved the "saviors of earth" Shot
A few from my side
DSCN1967 by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr
DSCN1941 by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr
My first attempt at capturing moon using a P&S camera
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr
Used this bulb as test subject to adjust the exposure and all
Test shot for adjusting exposure