The Photography Thread


Cyborg Agent
@faun - Exposure was 1 sec.

@sriharsha - Your pics of sun are amazing. Wonderful colors you got from nature.

Thank you :)


Loved the "saviors of earth" Shot

A few from my side

DSCN1967 by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

DSCN1941 by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

My first attempt at capturing moon using a P&S camera

Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr

Used this bulb as test subject to adjust the exposure and all :)

Test shot for adjusting exposure :p by Sri Harsha Madineni, on Flickr


In the zone
@sparx: Why can't you keep the same userid accross forums? :razz:
Same goes to cool G5 aka gaurav also :razz:

@sriharsha: Try fixing the camera to the front of the bike and using a slow shutter and driving the bike fast! :)


Grand Master really u have ordered tell me if its useful enough:razz:
I loved the idea of flexible tripod but donno if they can carry SLR

And please improve upon moon pics:shock:

Today was my lucky day to have some good shots of this bird(forgot name)...



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Cyborg Agent really u have ordered tell me if its useful enough:razz:
I loved the idea of flexible tripod but donno if they can carry SLR

And please improve upon moon pics:shock:

ebay is flooded with gorillapod clones :D, AFAIK a bigger model for SLR's is available too.

Rgarding Moon pics, that was my first time, realized how difficult it is with a P&S :p


In the zone
Ordered a gorilla pod clone for that, will try that soon ;)
Btw how much is it costing you?

@sujoyp: There are different models of gorillapods. Higher end models are for DSLRs and they cost around 8k :shock:

Btw, I am really thinking about going for this model called SLIK Mini II. Costs 920 @ flipkart (Cash on delivery option). I have handled the tripod in a store in Kolkata Metro Gali (famous for Cameras). The build quality is really nice. This supports loads upto 2KG, which is really awesome.
You can see the following videos:
YouTube - ‪SLIK MINI II TRIPOD 미니 삼ê°￾대‬‏
YouTube - ‪Slik Mini II Tabletop Tripod Review‬‏

I was thinking that if I buy a full size tripod then I may be tempted NOT to carry it with me because of the size and weight and my purpose would be defeated and so this small size tripod might be better. Any suggestions guys?


Grand Master
@sounava..please do tell me the exp with slik too...if good for casual shooting then I will get too...I need a tripod too but branded ones r very costly


Was away for few days, there are lots of nice photos from everyone :)

Bielefeld by digitman2006, on Flickr

Hamm Kamakshi Temple by digitman2006, on Flickr
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In the zone
@sounava..please do tell me the exp with slik too...if good for casual shooting then I will get too...I need a tripod too but branded ones r very costly

Hey actually I was asking

I was thinking that if I buy a full size tripod then I may be tempted NOT to carry it with me because of the size and weight and my purpose would be defeated and so this small size tripod might be better. Any suggestions guys?



Grand Master
but u said that u have handeled it in shop...dosent that make u more informed:razz:

Soo get a cheap tripod soon and help me out:razz::razz:


Grand Master
@stuge great light effects

@sonavna...I saw that Rs.1000 silk tripod but I think rs.1599 one is more practice and advanced with feature similar to costly ones:razz:

Sorry havent researched much about tripod///just compared 2 tripod side by side


^^Awesome Pics Buddy. :)

Which place is this? ;-)

Thanks :)
Both pics are from Germany
First Pic is taken from castle in Bielefeld city and second one is a Kamadchi Ampal temple in Hamm. This temple is built by Srilankan Tamils and there is some festival going n since one week.
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