Whoever said you have to keep doing the point and click thing with a GUI based editor like Textmate? Its just as efficient. Besides, OS X is crazy about keyboard shortcuts. You can easily customise any keyboard shortcut for any application. I'm not saying GUI is faster. I'm saying they can both perform equally well and it all depends on your choice. Just saying GUI is less efficient than CLI doesn't quite seem right.
And Mehul is here! Wohoo!
Oi, I did not mean all Mac OSX did I? And again when did I say ALL GUI sucks and is slower. Where applicable, CLI does have, and is developed to have, the potential to speed up your work.
I had no grudge against a particular OS here, just Arya's brashness which probably would be there forever. He is not even nearly sane. You're pretty balanced at your views but never him, and I'll never know why.
That was totally un-called for.
So were his comments and even the ignorant replies after them. Its just that even if you guys read an entire post or not, you definitely manage to read the sarcasm part of it and at least that irks you if not the actual underlying point within those other lines. I at least manage to send something through that gets quoted/noticed, now that is good and not my fault you particularly look at insults to drive back a message onto.
Of course, at the end of the day I'll always lose these kind of arguments. No one ever budges. Not to mention, actually read posts. Still, I feel good, and thats nice enough for me.
narangz - Would he stand if I insulted Steve Jobs here? I won't stand him insulting another intellectual either.