Does it work without any lags? I've tried VNSea and it was so slow, it was pretty much unusable.Uh.... have you tried RemoteBuddy? The interface is awesome.
- I can see what someone is doing in my room by sitting right outside in the garden and take a picture if I need proof.
- I can play any iPhone compatible movie/video/song directly from my mac onto my iPhone.
- Browse for files, control presentations with a view of what's happening on the screen.
- Freak out my brother by controlling front row volume and fast forwarding it
I haven't tried VNC or don't even know what it is. But I'm looking into it just in case I might spend on something I don't need.
Maybe not. But am I the only one seeing the huge, gaping fallacy in this entire argument?
There is no need or benefit of using the email client to do your web browsing when there are several perfectly capable web browsers out there that are designed and optimised for this very purpose.
What is so difficult to understand about that? Do you use the sprinkler in your garden to take a bath? Or your bicycle to go on a several mile journey? You can do either of those things, but intelligent people don't do that, because that's not what those devices are meant for.
It's unbelievable that I'm having this discussion with a bunch of so called techies and geeks, most of whom are older than me, and none of them seem to be able to wrap their heads around such a simple freakin' concept. If you see a person wearing socks on his hands to keep them warm, instead of gloves, you might think that he's a unique and intelligent person—I think he's just plain stupid.
And so is anyone who uses their email client as a web browser. What's next? A media player as an instant messenger? An antivirus application as a torrent client?
Uh.... have you tried RemoteBuddy? The interface is awesome.
- I can see what someone is doing in my room by sitting right outside in the garden and take a picture if I need proof.
- I can play any iPhone compatible movie/video/song directly from my mac onto my iPhone.
- Browse for files, control presentations with a view of what's happening on the screen.
- Freak out my brother by controlling front row volume and fast forwarding it
I haven't tried VNC or don't even know what it is. But I'm looking into it just in case I might spend on something I don't need.
Does it work without any lags? I've tried VNSea and it was so slow, it was pretty much unusable.
where did linux come in here? There hasn't been linux anywhere in aayush's post, it's you people who brought it in. And if you're equating RMS with linux than you're wrong, RMS is attached with GNU project. And most of the OS's out there, probably besides Windows makes use of some GNU tool or the other at some point. Sorry but this is not about linux, not about RMS but this is about mocking someone's ideas just cos they don't fit into nice pretty easy universe of oneself.@all linux users, what you saw was nothing out o the ordinary, pretty much in line with what a Mac user generally is, the mockery of Linux happened now, mockeryof Windows users has been happening for a long time, forget it move on, Arya is Just being Arya
where did linux come in here? There hasn't been linux anywhere in aayush's post, it's you people who brought it in. And if you're equating RMS with linux than you're wrong, RMS is attached with GNU project. And most of the OS's out there, probably besides Windows makes use of some GNU tool or the other at some point. Sorry but this is not about linux, not about RMS but this is about mocking someone's ideas just cos they don't fit into nice pretty easy universe of oneself.