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Aspiring Novelist
The OS X desktop as music video

I would've bought .Mac without any hesitation if it allowed me to host my WordPress blog on it.

I don't know what's the point but, FWIW, we now have an Apple social group out here and all of you fanboys are free to join in on the fun. All the cool kids seem to be doing it. :p
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 Macboy
I'm back! :) After a few days of being 'down' to to some 'events' I'm back. with the original + new me :) (who apparently uses a lot of smileys)

The iPod/phone earphones are not top quality. They are good and a cut above what you get on the normal music players, but not as good as standalone earphones which you actually pay for and buy. Of course, in-ear earphones usually give better sound in terms of bass and loudness, but I wouldn't be able to use one of them cause I listen to music a lot while riding. And they are very unsafe for riding. I was thinking of getting maybe some sennheiser earphones or something (No! Not Bose!) but the iPhone earphones have this button that I'm so in crazy about.

And no, the earphones that bundle with a walkman or Creative Zen Moko are not that great either. And I'm with Tanmay, the EP-630 are only 'different' cause they are in-ear. Otherwise the SQ is pretty much the same.

And that wallpaper does indeed suck. At first I was surfing the page on the iPhone when I didn't realise how bad it was. Now that I'm on the mac, it is horrifying! What's up with those knees!

And no, you don't need to get a .Mac account. It would be great if you had two or more macs and more importantly, lived in a world where fast internet was always available, to use features like iDisk, Backtomymac. And I hope that .Mac is going to give the iPhone some addressbook syncing and stuff like that. But for you getting it cause of the .mac email ID, I don't think so.

And that OS X music video is a must watch!
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@Goobi, iPod earphones really can't match up to the earphone given with both the Sony Walkmans and the Sony-ericsson Walkman series, especially the former. All it takes to convert someone to an audiophile or even just improve his/her sensitivity towards sound quality is one single experience with really, really good SQ. Its nice to see you're striving towards that by getting a Senn. If you do end up getting a headphone, nothing beats the PX100.


Aspiring Novelist
I used a Sony Ericsson WALKMAN phone for a little over a year and it did absolutely nothing to improve my sensitivity towards sound quality (and I'm thankful for that).

I'm back! :) After a few days of being 'down' to to some 'events' I'm back. with the original + new me :) (who apparently uses a lot of smileys)
You didn't use any after saying you would. Two in the entire post, both in the first sentence. That's not too bad. :p

the iPhone earphones have this button that I'm so in crazy about.
There are third party “Made for iPhone” earphones that have that button too, but I'm not sure whether they are available in India or not. That button is awesome.

At first I was surfing the page on the iPhone when I didn't realise how bad it was.
[Emphasis added.]

… the iPhone and I didn't…

Welcome back, by the way. I called you twice on your landline yesterday and no one answered.


@Aayush, read my post again. I said one brush with really, really good SQ. The SE earphones, though better than any pack-ins, are nothing really, compared to the full extent of SQ out there.

Actually don't bother, you'll just end up regretting like me. Sometimes I sit and wonder how nice it would be to be content with whatever comes with my MP3 player. No impedance issues, and I wouldn't have to keep apologizing to my wallet.

But then I put on Comfortably Numb, and all of those doubts vanish.


Aspiring Novelist
Not to start a war or anything, but this is the problem with Linux users. Richard Stallman, who's some biggie in the Linux world, browses the web through his email client using some “demon” (he might have meant “daemon”) and “wget”.

Why? Just because he can, of course.

LOL! What a loser, seriously.

I'm off to eat some rice with a pair of forks now. :lol:


Not to start a war or anything, but this is the problem with Linux users. Richard Stallman, who's some biggie in the Linux world, browses the web through his email client using some “demon” (he might have meant “daemon”) and “wget”.

Why? Just because he can, of course.

LOL! What a loser, seriously.

I'm off to eat some rice with a pair of forks now.

So let me see if I get your logic right? Hes a loser because he can do that or because hes not following your ideal of doing something. Suddenly anyone whose not on your little pathetic bandwagon becomes losers? Do yourself a favor. Go buy yourself a clue. .


MMO Addict
You don't want me to call the names, do you? I already can see couple of such posts on this page itself which do not prove otherwise.. And can find numerous such posts in this entire thread... :rolleyes:


And calling them 'noobs' is fine with you ?

Let me answer your question. You reap what you sow. This is the thread starters post on page 1.

Non-Mac users are welcome to weigh in with their opinions and doubts, but any comparison to other operating systems or any other post considered as flame bait will be ignored and hopefully, deleted.

I request the mods to try and ensure that this does not turn into another "fight" and I request posters to ignore any sort of flame bait.

If you are allowed to address Linux Users as a whole as the troll did above. Why can't he do the same? The above mentioned poster had no reason to post that here in the first place. If you can't take it don't dish it out.


The Devil's Advocate
^^ well that's the Mac way of doing things, some one was right that, it is not Apple they despise but the fanboys that make the company so hate-able (not sure whether it's a word, I'm sure arya would point that out)


Juke Box Hero
Not to start a war or anything, but this is the problem with Linux users. Richard Stallman, who's some biggie in the Linux world, browses the web through his email client using some “demon” (he might have meant “daemon”) and “wget”.

Why? Just because he can, of course.

LOL! What a loser, seriously.

I'm off to eat some rice with a pair of forks now. :lol:
And what was the point of this post here? If Linux users have a problem, why does it bother you? If you want to war about Linux/OSS, head into the appropriate section and dish it out, not hide here and pull a dig on people you don't(can't) even understand(know). This is Apple thread ,stay on that.


Not to start a war or anything, but this is the problem with Linux users. Richard Stallman, who's some biggie in the Linux world, browses the web through his email client using some “demon” (he might have meant “daemon”) and “wget”.

Why? Just because he can, of course.

LOL! What a loser, seriously.

I'm off to eat some rice with a pair of forks now. :lol:

Criticizing his ideologies is hardly in your place. You don't see us calling all Mac users losers because they need everything ready-made and set-up and refuse to take the time to set up stuff.

Irrespective of how ineffective or effective something is, its just a method of doing something that may be different from the one that seems logical to you. To many people, Mac is illogical because they need a certain degree of customization.

So, its best if you lay off the insults to Linux. BTW... you are contradicting the first post of the thread. If that statement of yours was not flame bait, then I don't know what was.


Think Zen.
Not to start a war or anything, but this is the problem with Linux users. Richard Stallman, who's some biggie in the Linux world, browses the web through his email client using some “demon” (he might have meant “daemon”) and “wget”.

Why? Just because he can, of course.

LOL! What a loser, seriously.

I'm off to eat some rice with a pair of forks now. :lol:

So, who's the dude calling cheap-shots again?


Google Bot
Not to start a war or anything, but this is the problem with Linux users. Richard Stallman, who's some biggie in the Linux world, browses the web through his email client using some “demon” (he might have meant “daemon”) and “wget”.

Why? Just because he can, of course.

LOL! What a loser, seriously.

I'm off to eat some rice with a pair of forks now. :lol:
It's completely his choice. Atleast he knows how to get what he wants, Instead of using whatever cr@p Stevie serves him. Like a .Mac account.

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
Not to start a war or anything, but this is the problem with Linux users. Richard Stallman, who's some biggie in the Linux world, browses the web through his email client using some “demon” (he might have meant “daemon”) and “wget”.

Why? Just because he can, of course.

LOL! What a loser, seriously.

I'm off to eat some rice with a pair of forks now. :lol:
I guess you don't know this is the Same Guy who wrote the GCC Toolchain , which is the compiler Mac developers use and which is bundled by default with OSX/Linux/Unix/Solaris and most things non-windows .
Bandar kya jane, Adarak ka swaad ?

Not to start a war or anything, but this is the problem with Linux users. Richard Stallman, who's some biggie in the Linux world, browses the web through his email client using some “demon” (he might have meant “daemon”) and “wget”.

Why? Just because he can, of course.

LOL! What a loser, seriously.

I'm off to eat some rice with a pair of forks now. :lol:
keep this up and this thread will be gone for good.

we linux guys do things in several ways, because we CAN. The entire feature list available in all OSS softwares which are linux compatible is concidered to be an available feature in linux. And to each person, a different way to do something can be easy. Thats because linux and FOSS care about indivuduality of an indivudual, and distros don't thrust things at someone's face and ask him to do things a certain way.

we are not lazy fools who want everything to be done for us, or everything to be done the same way.

And do you even KNOW what kind of a person richard stallman is ? He is a genius, a master mind. He was the one who created the compiler that mac developers use for all their programs. He ditched money for being a part of the community.

Bandar kya jane, Adarak ka Swaad ?
Ghadha kya jane, Sone ki Mool ?
Mac User kya jane, Commandline ki Jaado ?

I remember it was YOU who stated that this thread is not to be used as a flaming or bait ground. Now look ! Its you who is defying the rules. Please try to avoid such posts in the future and your mistakes will be ignored and you spared.
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