I'm back!

After a few days of being 'down' to to some 'events' I'm back. with the original + new me

(who apparently uses a lot of smileys)
The iPod/phone earphones are not top quality. They are good and a cut above what you get on the normal music players, but not as good as standalone earphones which you actually pay for and buy. Of course, in-ear earphones usually give better sound in terms of bass and loudness, but I wouldn't be able to use one of them cause I listen to music a lot while riding. And they are very unsafe for riding. I was thinking of getting maybe some sennheiser earphones or something (No! Not Bose!) but the iPhone earphones have this button that I'm so in crazy about.
And no, the earphones that bundle with a walkman or Creative Zen Moko are not that great either. And I'm with Tanmay, the EP-630 are only 'different' cause they are in-ear. Otherwise the SQ is pretty much the same.
And that wallpaper does indeed suck. At first I was surfing the page on the iPhone when I didn't realise how bad it was. Now that I'm on the mac, it is horrifying! What's up with those knees!
And no, you don't need to get a .Mac account. It would be great if you had two or more macs and more importantly, lived in a world where fast internet was always available, to use features like iDisk, Backtomymac. And I hope that .Mac is going to give the iPhone some addressbook syncing and stuff like that. But for you getting it cause of the .mac email ID, I don't think so.
And that OS X music video is a must watch!