2 days ban for anyone calling names here.
What???Is this some kind of rule you just made and want fellow members to follow it. Where is it written that Calling by names is against the rule.....Just cause you don't like it and (how I dunno) you've got the power to ban , you'll start banning ppl. WOW!! Great work!!!
Members here are not the owner of any teams. We are here to support and have a good time.
Really?? Members here are not owner of any teams??? Is that what you're telling me?? To be honest, I never knew this!!Thanks for telling me......I always thought you as the owner of CSK
Of course we are here to support, but if you ever interacted with any friends then you should know that the side effect of supporting any team is that you are surely going to be teased if you're team lost...it a common phenomenon. But if you can't take a bit of teasing after CSK lost, either by gaurav or me or any one else the you have no right to show your support either.You either be silent and expect silence or you shout aloud and be prepared to be shouted back..you just can't expect silence then...
eggman is banned for 2 days.
No . No. No. Please dont ban me. My life will come to a halt. 2 days without thinkdigit??? What are my friends gonna say... my parents will be ashamed... and my grandpa....he will surely expel me from his will.....Please dont let this happen to me......what a disaster....

...I dont feel like living anymore, now that I'm banned.....
What monopoly? See his post. I warned gaurav_indian and still he quoted my post and commented something which was not necessary.
Yeah, and chit-chat section is the most necessary section in this forum. This is the heart and soul of TD. Nothing unnecessary is allowed here.Be it 2432423
Rate the c0(k size above you threads or
She loves me , she loves me not, if she doesnt , will her brother love me? threads,all are necessary.
But some how , a joke, said in good context(which coincidently makes a bit fun of your
STFU behavior and coincidently you being the mod) is unnecessary enough to ban some one and set an example that no one can touch the untouchable drgrudge.
Anyway I don't have to justify my action.
Yup. Since you are GOD!!! Ruler of this forum and planet.
I'll do what I want. Please don't start posting abt this and create a ruckus.
See above.
Good work doc, I like the way you Mod!! Oh, before your great brain comes to this conclusion, I'm eggman only.