Which is better:
Android browser..??
Opera mini/mobile..??
Any other..??
Try Dolphin Mini is excellent browser for O1.
Which is better:
Android browser..??
Opera mini/mobile..??
Any other..??
its been up for four days now. digit publishers are just following up on gsm arena update.
Dr.Notor's own Android Forum: Doktornotor's Android Forum - LG Optimus One Android Development
Thanks, will check it out soon.Try Dolphin Mini is excellent browser for O1.
Nope, I didn't face any yet. Which provider you are on and where are you from??
covered the phone with thin plastic sheet
And when I install an app, it gets saved to phone memory. Is there anyway to save them to memory card by default?
Did u mean screen guard ?
hi all
i recently bought lg p500. it is a good phone and i am enjoying my first smartphone. only one problem is - suddenly network drops to zero and call would be disconnected if i am in call. it is for few seconds only and coverage is restored. but it is a nuisance during the call. so there is this problem of poor network connection. any suggestions?
straignt_mind is online now Add to straignt_mind's Reputation Report Post Reply With Quote
had to reflash cm7.my phone was restarting again and again without any reason,Usb storage was not working (it just restarted when i turn it on) etc...etc..
but now its good....
so i guess cm7 cannot be trusted , right ?
had to reflash cm7.my phone was restarting again and again without any reason,Usb storage was not working (it just restarted when i turn it on) etc...etc..
but now its good....
so i guess cm7 cannot be trusted , right ?
so i guess cm7 cannot be trusted , right ?