The Last Of Us


Steam High Templar
why dude? do want to inginite something here besides this is a console section why would even pc fanboys be here............. and for the record i m not any of the fanboy......... from my opinion pc and console have their respective importance but saying sruff like gaming pc sucks or pc sucks comparing it to console which are not even tat much multitask able as pc .....this is where i think as a pc user is my duty to interfere.........

Did i say something to you?


Wise Old Owl
The last of us boxart :


can anyone make a countdown timer for the last of us...? if you are at it please make one for e3 too ;)

Btw... guys please contact your local retailer as the street date release can be broken for this game. ( im myself trying to get this game copy by 12th... will post here if successful )


The last of us boxart :


can anyone make a countdown timer for the last of us...? if you are at it please make one for e3 too ;)

Btw... guys please contact your local retailer as the street date release can be broken for this game. ( im myself trying to get this game copy by 12th... will post here if successful )

the girl is really cute, I'll draw her :p

I was hoping to pre order but its no use.
all the DLC etc in pre order become available later on for free anyway
street value is a bit less and I can buy the game for a cheaper price. I might also find the elite version. If I do then I'll buy it.


Long Live Gojira!
Oh man, I'm torn between buying PS3 or waiting for PS4 or upgrading my PC. And no, I can't do all those at this time.

The Last of Us is like what, 17 hours? I'll... pass. x:


I'm not doing a cleanup here. Good to see the discussion has returned to topic. Further digression will be followed by infractions. Please use the report button if there are any more offtopic posts. Thanks.


I am the night...I am...
Naughty Dog Comments On Polygon’s TLOU Review, PS4 And More

Finally Naughty Dog answers........

Holder: “I like what was said in the text. The reviewer seemed to be emotionally impacted by the experience of the game and the result was that it was not fun for them. By “not fun” I took that to mean it was difficult to experience some of the things in the game and it left a big impact on them emotionally and that wasn’t their cup of tea.”

“They maybe expected something more uplifting and the reality of our vision in this post pandemic world is just not so. Human nature is a scary thing. The reality of such a world would “not be fun”. A perfect score would have been lovely but everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that’s important to us.”

Shah: “Everyone is entitled to their view… even if it’s not what we want to hear/read.”

These guys are not only brilliant, but extremely humble as well. Sony is really lucky to have developers like naughty dog on their side.
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lol.. but did you finish that last art??

I have, but I feel like something is missing and since I worked on building my friends PC the last 2 weekends, i haven't had time to draw. Been trying to complete watching all the movies ans series that I downloaded.

Oh man, I'm torn between buying PS3 or waiting for PS4 or upgrading my PC. And no, I can't do all those at this time.

The Last of Us is like what, 17 hours? I'll... pass. x:

Save up and get a PS4, as most new games are gonna come out on the PS4 as well. I've already put my PS3 in the closet :D

last night I had to play dirt3 on my PC
I have the original game.
to install, I had to first create a **** MS account- or I cant save the game progress.
then started a game update which took 4hours on 2mbps - without this download you cannot play the game- you can't pause it or resume the download either
after this the MS account had to be downloaded to the pc[profile]
after all the painful waiting the game actually started to run, on pathetic FPS so I had to go to the graphics settings and use the ultra low profile and then only I could play this at a decent speed.
Frankly speaking, this is not how you play the game.
I haven't even spoken about the loading times and the awful intro which make you bleed from your ears.

If anyone wants to play online, let me know, Locatingpanic67 is my ID. [which MS decided, i didn't choose it]


last night I had to play dirt3 on my PC
I have the original game.
to install, I had to first create a **** MS account- or I cant save the game progress.
then started a game update which took 4hours on 2mbps - without this download you cannot play the game- you can't pause it or resume the download either
after this the MS account had to be downloaded to the pc[profile]
after all the painful waiting the game actually started to run, on pathetic FPS so I had to go to the graphics settings and use the ultra low profile and then only I could play this at a decent speed.
Frankly speaking, this is not how you play the game.
I haven't even spoken about the loading times and the awful intro which make you bleed from your ears.

I bought the PC version for 699rs, could be way more cheaper on steam depending on when you buy it, and how much would I spend if I had to go for the console version? 2500rs? :p
Didn't have a single hiccup on the PC, performance or network stuff. Already had a Live account with GTA4, so logged in and started playing, and as bad as the reputation for GFWL is, I didn't have any problem finding games on the multiplayer either. The loading times were totally fine, just like they're in any other codemasters' game, though it could be worse on the consoles.


lol.. but did you finish that last art??

I bought the PC version for 699rs, could be way more cheaper on steam depending on when you buy it, and how much would I spend if I had to go for the console version? 2500rs? :p
Didn't have a single hiccup on the PC, performance or network stuff. Already had a Live account with GTA4, so logged in and started playing, and as bad as the reputation for GFWL is, I didn't have any problem finding games on the multiplayer either. The loading times were totally fine, just like they're in any other codemasters' game, though it could be worse on the consoles.

even I have the PC version here. but I'ms tarting to hate these install procedures.

SImilarly I have pc version of dead space2 and PS3 version of dead space3
I could not finish dead space2 on PC as there was no one online and I played DS3 online and finished the game along with a stranger online.
I had to regiser with EA before I could play ds2 on my PC. once done you don't even have to use the DISC which I liked a lot.
I had the ahem version of ds1 but I liked it so much that I bought the next two iterations. I will now buy the dead Space DLC on PSN, its just 600 bucks.


Steam High Templar
I have, but I feel like something is missing and since I worked on building my friends PC the last 2 weekends, i haven't had time to draw. Been trying to complete watching all the movies ans series that I downloaded.

Save up and get a PS4, as most new games are gonna come out on the PS4 as well. I've already put my PS3 in the closet :D

last night I had to play dirt3 on my PC
I have the original game.
to install, I had to first create a **** MS account- or I cant save the game progress.
then started a game update which took 4hours on 2mbps - without this download you cannot play the game- you can't pause it or resume the download either
after this the MS account had to be downloaded to the pc[profile]
after all the painful waiting the game actually started to run, on pathetic FPS so I had to go to the graphics settings and use the ultra low profile and then only I could play this at a decent speed.
Frankly speaking, this is not how you play the game.
I haven't even spoken about the loading times and the awful intro which make you bleed from your ears.

If anyone wants to play online, let me know, Locatingpanic67 is my ID. [which MS decided, i didn't choose it]
There is a magic term related to GFWL known to both pirate and legit gamer.
Offline Profile


There is a magic term related to GFWL known to both pirate and legit gamer.
Offline Profile

i love playing online. That's why I was thinking of pre ordering LoU but then it kind of takes the fun out of the game as you will have more stronger weapons.


Conversation Architect
i love playing online. That's why I was thinking of pre ordering LoU but then it kind of takes the fun out of the game as you will have more stronger weapons.

ehh?? logic?

the damn scores: The Last of Us - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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