The Last Of Us


Wise Old Owl
is internet = PC??

i knew some one would ask this thing i m glad they did lol
here "The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve several billion users worldwide."
source(ur reliable buddy)

and u do know what computer means........

in that definition


Cyborg Agent
does that even prove that internet is pc?? Answer me in your own words or by anything that proves it.
You need not roll all over the place just to get beaten up by ur own statements.. Expecting the obvious isn't so smart either.


Wise Old Owl
i never said that would be complete dumb............dude

i meant to say he his using something that is connected to PC......(i wonder without pc's will there be intenet??)

i thought u will reply after getting ur answer .......( since u replied in 2 min in last post) but that doesn't seems to be the case..... so i guess i would go to sleep..........(i will patiently reply to any of ur further queries in the morning although everything i m doing is stating damn obvious)


Long Live Gojira!
^Servers stacked up - which are computers, not PCs - like crazy is what Internet is, you can't use them like we do on PC. I also said, "PC sux", not "comp. sux". So yeah, your argument's invalid. (And we all [maybe not you] understood when I said "PC sux" that gaming on PC sucked.)


Cyborg Agent
i never said that would be complete dumb............dude

i meant to say he his using something that is connected to PC......(i wonder without pc's will there be intenet??)

i thought u will reply after getting ur answer .......( since u replied in 2 min in last post) but that doesn't seems to be the case..... so i guess i would go to sleep..........(i will patiently reply to any of ur further queries in the morning although everything i m doing is stating damn obvious)

you are kidding me.. OMG.. do u even know what a network is?? Which class are u in?? Schooling or already in college?? I guess you know nothing about what you are talking about.. Your damn obvious looks to be a facepalm..

Do you even know what a pc stands for??


Steam High Templar
^Servers stacked up - which are computers, not PCs - like crazy is what Internet is, you can't use them like we do on PC. I also said, "PC sux", not "comp. sux". So yeah, your argument's invalid. (And we all [maybe not you] understood when I said "PC sux" that gaming on PC sucked.)

This was what i was going to say :|


Wise Old Owl
We are going way off topic here (some body reminded me this is no chit chat section) mods may notice this soon....

But let me ask u one thing internet as of existing today is it possible to have an internet (which is for computers) without pc (general for computers) ..... And by pc I mean computers because there is no sane person buying a computing device like server to meet his day to day needs ....

And ya I do feel flame war igniting here so I suggest this to continue over fight club section and not bother others...(pm me link I will join in morning)

you are kidding me.. OMG.. do u even know what a network is?? Which class are u in?? Schooling or already in college?? I guess you know nothing about what you are talking about.. Your damn obvious looks to be a facepalm..

Do you even know what a pc stands for??

dude why are you getting so personal taunting ....
If u think I know NOTHING about internet or network well then I m not qualified to be here.... But here I m and u r also here so that must mean I must knew atleast something about it... This contradicts the statement of urs that I know NOTHING about internet and as fast as networks are concerned well the knowledge about that we are testing each other now...

you are kidding me.. OMG.. do u even know what a network is?? Which class are u in?? Schooling or already in college?? I guess you know nothing about what you are talking about.. Your damn obvious looks to be a facepalm..

Do you even know what a pc stands for??

dude why are you getting so personal taunting ....
If u think I know NOTHING about internet or network well then I m not qualified to be here.... But here I m and u r also here so that must mean I must knew atleast something about it... This contradicts the statement of urs that I know NOTHING about internet and as fast as networks are concerned well the knowledge about that we are testing each other now...

I do about I m not a qualified person to talk about network in detail..... But as i have mentioned earlier I m only posting the obvious....the things people experience in practical rather than bookish knowledge....

And face palm seriously? Lol u only got the right to do that infront of other if u r highly knowledgable in the particular topic and the other had said completely useless statement....
So which one is it ....

^Servers stacked up - which are computers, not PCs - like crazy is what Internet is, you can't use them like we do on PC. I also said, "PC sux", not "comp. sux". So yeah, your argument's invalid. (And we all [maybe not you] understood when I said "PC sux" that gaming on PC sucked.)

just quoted it so that it can't be changed later....

This was what i was going to say :|

well dude if u wana say something here Is ur chance say before any one else says it before u .....


Conversation Architect
and these fruitful discussions are in which way related to The Last Of Us?? :|

stay on topic please. dont want the mods to lock this thread..


I am the night...I am...
Guys guys cut it out. Lets not spoil this thread. :)

Here when people said pc sux, they meant only the gaming aspect and by that, .......the windows directx platform.
Microsoft has completely monopolized this platform and due to its vast install base, has forced almost all developers to join the directx bandwagon.

Games like "The Last Of Us" prove that open-gl can achieve the same what directx does and even more, if its widely recognized as a gaming api.
The id tech engines, all harness open-gl api's and beats a lot of direct x titles. Doom 3 did that back in 2002.

Sony has embraced open-gl all the way from their existence in gaming industry and always stuck with it. Of couse they cannot use direct x derivatives as it comes from their competitor.

So this war is kind of between directx and open-gl and chants lie 'pc sux' implies 'DX sux'. Open-gl can deliver jaw dropping visuals too like seen here.

PC is not meant for only calling and working on graphics api's. Games themselves are coded on a pc only.
PC is not the competitor of any consoles. But platforms themselves are.

I do hope some solid alternative to windows arrive that can make open-gl more mainstream from a development perspective.


Long Live Gojira!
We are going way off topic here (some body reminded me this is no chit chat section) mods may notice this soon....

But let me ask u one thing internet as of existing today is it possible to have an internet (which is for computers) without pc (general for computers) ..... And by pc I mean computers because there is no sane person buying a computing device like server to meet his day to day needs ....

There, you said it. Internet = (not literally) servers which are computers, NOT personal computers. We were all talking about PCs.

And ya I do feel flame war igniting here so I suggest this to continue over fight club section and not bother others...(pm me link I will join in morning)

Flame war? IDK but we won.

dude why are you getting so personal taunting ....
If u think I know NOTHING about internet or network well then I m not qualified to be here.... But here I m and u r also here so that must mean I must knew atleast something about it... This contradicts the statement of urs that I know NOTHING about internet and as fast as networks are concerned well the knowledge about that we are testing each other now...

I do about I m not a qualified person to talk about network in detail..... But as i have mentioned earlier I m only posting the obvious....the things people experience in practical rather than bookish knowledge....

Experiencing practically doesn't mean you'll be knowing everything on how it works in the background. I'm guessing you're thinking of Internet like LAN and that's partially right, but the whole system involved is hella different than LAN.

And face palm seriously? Lol u only got the right to do that infront of other if u r highly knowledgable in the particular topic and the other had said completely useless statement....
So which one is it ....

Nope. A noob can facepalm as much as he wants if the other almighty said something wrong.

well dude if u wana say something here Is ur chance say before any one else says it before u .....

I think he meant that he wanted to say the same thing I said.

EDIT: Dayum. Arguments are like The Last of Us, they get us intrigued. :p


Geniuses...geniuses everywhere :p
Cut the crap, and talk LoU.

Here's a fun fact, the voice actor for Ellie is the same chick from Avengers who's saved by Caps at the final battle :)


Wise Old Owl
Lol win without fighting
ok u guys win if this keeps this thread away from such things I admit I loose.... But in the end .... That doesn't mean that a pc is any way inferior to console...

i edited this post only to avoid any further post abt this..............
There, you said it. Internet = (not literally) servers which are computers, NOT personal computers. We were all talking about PCs.

Flame war? IDK but we won.

Experiencing practically doesn't mean you'll be knowing everything on how it works in the background. I'm guessing you're thinking of Internet like LAN and that's partially right, but the whole system involved is hella different than LAN.

Nope. A noob can facepalm as much as he wants if the other almighty said something wrong.

I think he meant that he wanted to say the same thing I said.

EDIT: Dayum. Arguments are like The Last of Us, they get us intrigued. :p


there is no xbox 360 or ps3 out there which can beat the current market available gaming pc's in terms of processing power & graphics (dont giv me xbox 1 and ps4 crap as they are not in the market..........)

second experiencing practicality is the basis for all the fundamental laws using which we are able to create the device called computer............

and lol you said it there internet =servers (that means if we remove millions of pc's attached to those server it will still be internet ........... ofr ur info no of pc's >>> no. of servers in an internetworking....... so pc's play dominant role......)

also server also is managed by some personell only so we can also call it pc (although not by definition of pc )

and ya i don't get it what u said there are u calling member rakesh_ic noob??( plz do explain this as name calling is not allowed even if its indirect)

and for last thing i thnk i told him to say his views before some one with similar views posts it.......... and later dont say that he wanted to say same thing...............

Sure, if that's what makes you happy :p

why will i be happy on loosing??
p.s: u guys wont let me sleep i had to open my pc again to type this message..........

Amigo, peace. Sleep well. Don't need to worry. :)

i only had to reply cause i wanted to make things clear now itself so later some guy doesn't say something like "tat he was giving excuses after incorrect statement tat he had to sleep"
Last edited:


pc is for work and console is for play :D
PS: the game is only for console=ps3
PC users can watch and be jealous haha


Long Live Gojira!
Lol win without fighting
ok u guys win if this keeps this thread away from such things I admit I loose.... But in the end .... That doesn't mean that a pc is any way inferior to console...

i edited this post only to avoid any further post abt this..............


there is no xbox 360 or ps3 out there which can beat the current market available gaming pc's in terms of processing power & graphics (dont giv me xbox 1 and ps4 crap as they are not in the market..........)

second experiencing practicality is the basis for all the fundamental laws using which we are able to create the device called computer............

and lol you said it there internet =servers (that means if we remove millions of pc's attached to those server it will still be internet ........... ofr ur info no of pc's >>> no. of servers in an internetworking....... so pc's play dominant role......)

also server also is managed by some personell only so we can also call it pc (although not by definition of pc )

and ya i don't get it what u said there are u calling member rakesh_ic noob??( plz do explain this as name calling is not allowed even if its indirect)

and for last thing i thnk i told him to say his views before some one with similar views posts it.......... and later dont say that he wanted to say same thing...............

why will i be happy on loosing??
p.s: u guys wont let me sleep i had to open my pc again to type this message..........

Amigo, peace. Sleep well. Don't need to worry. :)


Steam High Templar
I was once a console fanboy.After arguing about how consoles rule and PC's suck(Games wise,and games are what make a gaming system,not "Grafix") In a certain thread.I became the evil PC fanboy being that stands before you.


Wise Old Owl
Damn,What happened to the Golden age of PC fanboys on TDF?
The quality of PC fanboys here has degraded......

why dude? do want to inginite something here besides this is a console section why would even pc fanboys be here............. and for the record i m not any of the fanboy......... from my opinion pc and console have their respective importance but saying sruff like gaming pc sucks or pc sucks comparing it to console which are not even tat much multitask able as pc .....this is where i think as a pc user is my duty to interfere.........

anyway back to the topic last of us didn't the trailer released in like 2012 why is it coming now i thought it might have been released by now...........

see in the info part video was uploaded in dec 2011
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