you need 32bit version or 64bit version??Tech_Wiz said:Location: Chinchwad - Pune
Distro needed: Debian 4.0 "ETCH" RC1. [If Sid or Lenny is available then it fine too]
Media: DVD
My system is Dual Core AMD 64 X2 4400.
Ready to pay for the Media as well as corier charges
Thank you in advance
I can send it to you provided that you pay all the Courier charges+media costsManiDhillon said:City: Nawanshahr/Punjab
Distro: Mint 3.1 Celena Full Gnome[Not Light]
Media: CD
No BB so don't tell to download.
or just get ubuntu. lenny and sid are nowhere as stable and rock solid as etch, so there is no point getting them when ubuntu is there. unless you are a develper. post back to tell what you want. I can help you.praka123 said:^shashwath dont post ur address here! I suggest u install Debian testing via "netinstall CD".dont go for debian etch.personal experiance.u will get bored by its vanilla looks esp Gnome-2.14 on Etch,while Lenny got Gnome/kde latest