well it seems I can't aim well. Of course for early necros its fairly easy to shoot but later it will be impossible. It gave me the same feel as The Godfather game, both are using same engine.
I will try this game with a controller.
well...so i played it for around one hour today. AI is not smart, I could keep on running and they will follow me like fools. Shooting is easy till now, i can aim fairly well those nuts. Playing on medium difficulty.
Died once cuz of damn camera spinning in elevator, necro was waiting for me outside and I was posing my bum at him lolz.
It reminded me of The Thing. Some necros act like dead but when you come near they will charge upon. But fooled some to come near the exploding shells and then blasted them for good.
Upgrade plasma cutter for 2 slots and damage. I'm still testing whether vertical mode works better or horizontal, AFAIK horizontal is much better. It takes 3 to 4 blasts to kill them. Nude ones are easy not much faster but army ones lols much around.