Lol...I finished it just now, took my whole noon to complete it. Here is my view on this game.
The Good:
1. The fluidity of in game realtime cutscenes.
2. Graphics are good, optimization is decent.
3. Cool weapons and upgrades.
4: Scariest Chapters: Chapter 5 and Chapter 9, I was low in resources there and the whole atmosphere was scary.
5: Kinesis and Stasis powers are a delight. Infact both are efficient for their intended use.
6: You can make it with just Plasma Cutter, perhaps a bit of Force Gun will help you too. But remember to upgrade your RIG health points before, as it makes a hell lot of difference.
7: Dismember the corpse before they are turned into Dark Slashers by Infectors.
8: Remember that taking less weapons means you get more ammo as ammo scattered depends upon the weapon you have. I prefer Plasma Cutter and Force Gun combo, a line gun will be another addition still keeping a weapon slot free. I ditched Flame Thrower, Pulse Rifle, Ripper and Contact Beam.
The Bad:
1. I wish it could have just ended in chapter 8 or perhaps 9. Adding more chapter was redundant.
3. Enemy types were too less. Just for strategic dismemberment (or whatever cool it sounds), every thing else was bland and seen before. Adding a more darker version of enemies was lame IMO as by that time you had the same punch in your upgrade weapons.
4. Backtracking sucks literally ! I hate to go back to same area.
5. Aiming sucked and especially during ADS cannon missions :/
6. No save points for some levels till far in the desert. I have a PC dammit, give me my F5 functionality back.
7.No character development, except for the whole history of Kendra you get to know by end.
The Ugly:
1. I was so frustrated at the last chapter that I sold every weapon except Force Gun (slightly upgraded) and begin with it. To my surprise it was still a piece of cake but a borefest to kill waves of enemies. At times I was thinking how come it's different from Serious Sam.
2. Then later to kill those Guardians I used up Force Gun but still one was left with one tentacle when I was out of ammo. So I got myself $0 Plasma Cutter (not upgraded). Killed that thing.
3. And then Fought the last Super Brute with the same Plasma Cutter and Force I was messing around him. Brutes are lovely creatures, I wish I could make a pet of them.
4. Kendra was a biatch, but nothing surprising as I always suspected her. But she was hot !
5. So the borefest ended lastly with that gigantic final boss, aah the easiest Boss Battle in whole game

I died two time due to awkward aiming and stupidity of leaving radially opposite yellow bulb second time.
6. Replay value: none for me. I don't want to replay it, even if the game awarded me 50k credits, 10 power nodes, a level 6 suit and other things intact. It's just a gimmick, things don't change with it drastically.
7. Lastly, please no bad ports and no friggin arcade cannon shooting. Make it a minigame but not a main mission.
Anyone know what is this
PENG thing ?