The artwork thread


The Slowest One
i m your fan for sure. I too used to draw cartoon characters,mostly anime,but now i left cause of college,no time.
I want to know how to draw hair like u draw in dis sketch,please.


nice work dude...but she doesn't resemble much....must be drawn from an old pic of hers :)

I know, I didn't make it an exactly the same :p

I added a little flavor of my own



The Power of x480
Staff member
Just dropping by to wish "awesome work" Gollum and asingh. Never knew we had such artists amongst us!

This thread reminded me of my drawing classes in school. I used to love drawing. But looks like not enough to pursue even as a hobby. I would like to share some of my drawing (if I can find those) which I made during my childhood. Soon.


In the zone
@Gollum : After seeing the original(colored) photo I have to say your sketch is 10 times better than the original one.
You have some awesome skills mate. :doublethumb:

@abhidev : Great cartoons, love them :D


Great works guys! :p
well..I'm a self-taught freelance digital artist...just posting a random drawing :)


More can be seen on my blog: Dreamfall | Art by Raziel The Fallen


@abhidev: intended to be a skinny male character..anatomically sucks though :p

..& here's another work..field of poppies.. :)


Aspiring Novelist
Nice work guys. I just came to know about this thread. I would have joined the discussion and learned to draw if I knew a thread like this exists. Kudos OP for starting this thread.

I kinda like pencil drawing. I have tried to draw few things and posted the images somewhere in the other thread which serves whole different purpose. Now I can post 'em here...

I am not even "B" in beginner. So my work was done with normal pencil and in a notebook paper. The following works (the term "work" may not be apt for these basic thing as there are some fantastic works are posted in this thread) were drawn few months back.

I need to ask you guys a lot right from the material/tools for pencil drawing. But for now please comment on these...


Manga Eye


My first portrait pencil drawing. And for this I have bought some variety of pencils. Really I found hard to find these pencils.

Heath Ledger "Joker"



stop using notebook paper
get some good drawing pencils 2h h hb 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 7b 8b 9b 10b

get a 2b 0.5mm pencil
90% of fmy sketches are done entirely on the 2b 0.5mm pencil


Staff member
Whoa some awesome sketches here! asingh and golum are both gifted artists.

These are some I made. Apologies for the sizes. Others can be seen Here

careless whisper :lol:
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