PM has issue a press release stating that if Pakistan was found in any way behind the attack, it would have to face grievous circumstances
OH REALLY ?? will he send our air force to bomb pak like US bombed Afghanistan
can u plz quote the source ....
and sumizglov n mrintech ..dont fight...not every muslim or pakistani is a terrorist..When I was in US, I had met a very frndly colleague who happened to be Pakistani..He was very humble and very good nature wise...
The thing is that rulers in Pak and ISI always divert Pak public's mind to senseless issue of Kashmir and Mullas are adding kerosene to this fire
Havent u seen in news mind behind Mumbai n Surat Blasts ..a software architect who works in Yahoo having 19 lakh PA as package ....when he was interrogated and asked "do u regret what have u done ? what will happen to ur wife n child" he admited without any shame "khuda unka khyal rakhega " WTF ..u see how politically brainwashed he is
What is needed by Indian govt now instead of blaming here n there is :
1.STOP ALL THIS MADRASSAS and arrest all mental brainwashing MAULVIS
2. Stop all Bangladeshi Illegal Immigration.
3. Re enact POTA
4. Secure our borders by making more recruitment in Army,naval forces and air force
5. Provide our soldiers world class facilities
6. Install working CCTVs in all prime locations and keep strong vigilance (UK police just identified the suicide bombers of Jul7 2005 by analysing 80000 tapes)
7. Remove reservation .Unite ppl and not divide them . Put Raj in Jail / Hang him and hang any leader who does any caste/religion based politics
8. Make more coordination b/w state and central govt
But as we all know the above said steps are a far far distant dream that will never happen kyunki "SAB CHALTA HAI" (read vote bank polictics by our illiterate NETAS)
kuch nahin hoga apne INDIA ka !