TDF Playdates V2.0


Living to Play
Guys for the next Playdate, next Game would be Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 on 10 and 11 May.
Game is quite easy on resources so it would run on good ol systems as well, quite old game. :D :p

For links Please contact me through PMs or Steam announcements of TDF Playdate group.. I'll give you download links.
The next playdate would be Tribes Ascend on 3 and 4 May. :)


Custom User Title
[MENTION=73844]gameranand[/MENTION] +1 for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2. [MENTION=56202]Anorion[/MENTION] Best solution is Hamanchi, encryption and password protected vLANS. Plus direct connection, so no ping increase.


Ghost Recon Phantoms? that ones is pretty popular

Yeah, that's the one. lol so many games, I can't even remember their names now.

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Guys for the next Playdate, next Game would be Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 on 10 and 11 May.
Game is quite easy on resources so it would run on good ol systems as well, quite old game. :D :p

For links Please contact me through PMs or Steam announcements of TDF Playdate group.. I'll give you download links.
The next playdate would be Tribes Ascend on 3 and 4 May. :)

Man that's too many games to download - Count me out of this I will not be participating.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I would like to suggest that we decide about a months worth of playdates in advance so that everyone has enough time to prepare for them. That is, decide 4 games for a month so that everyone has enough time to obtain the games and arrangements can be made to host them.

Also, I would like to recommend that we maintain a list of games that everyone agrees on so that we can choose among those.


Conversation Architect
Man that's too many games to download - Count me out of this I will not be participating.

same here..

i'll try tribes ascend. will it be through steam??
coz steam downloads are very slow at my end. i'd rather download faster via torrent and play with tunngle etc..


Conversation Architect
Steam downloads are slow at my end. cant you guys use torrent copies?

since its a F2P, i dont think it will be a piracy issue.
not that it stops us :p


So which game to download Tribes ascend or Loadout? why are large games suddenly announced without discussing :\

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and if Tribes ascend then should i download it from steam? btw tribes ascend got pretty bad reviews in steam


Sith Lord
Staff member
Tribes Ascend. Prefer steam over hi-rez version, but both are functionally the same. get that one, it's got "bad" review because no more content, bug fixes or re-balances, but it's a pretty good game as it is now.

PS TMNF at 2100 today

PPS who wanna try Dethroned? (<500 MB) similar to Dota 2.. micromanaging heroes and capturing positions. 6 ppl can play 3 on 3 matches.
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