Your heart is bitter and unclean. The things you said are of pure nonsense and destructive. The only beast is people like you who should be poisoned and killed for they way they speak against animals. Also yea and i own a dog and he is best i have met. Also iam sorry for being rude. They way you spoke was disgusting. Change your altitude and be friendly with animals. You are not going to gain anything for hating animals and disrespect. It is not just dogs that iam about talking it can be any animal of any kind. Also about talking about bites. I have taken lot of bites from my dog because mainly he bite because i troubled him in some manner. Even animals have emotion just like us. They are no difference. Animals especially like dogs dont attack unnecessary they will only attack unless they are provoked.krazyfrog said:Man these dogs in my building are a bunch of jerks. They bark their head off all day, even at people who live in the same building. As if they're the ones who own the place and we are outsiders. They $hit all over the place as if it was one big toilet. They mess up the trash bins and spread the garbage everywhere. And they've developed a hobby to rip of peoples footwear. Whoever said dogs are mans best friend must have been a big talking dog himself. Too bad no one in Mumbai has decided to kill these beasts. I'd gladly joined them to clean up this mess. They should probably be shot. Or poisoned. Or both. All those against killing these dogs should adopt them and keep them in their houses. Then you'll know the menace that these things are. Its easy to feel pity and sympathy and love when you're not being troubled. We'll see how much kind you're to them when one of them bites you and you've to take seven shots in your arm.
alok4best said:^^^^ Truly agree with you..Though I dnt have a pet,bt I still feel that every creature of this nature deserves its share on Earth..for centuries humans have been spoiling the balance and now see what we have on hand..This is the hottest year we have ever faced.No rain yet in Bangalore..seems souls of Killed dogs have already started cursing us..keep it in mind...U mess with Nature,and it Messes up with you..
kirangp said:True thunderbird...I agree with u...Most of my cousins have got dogs in their house...Drat...I only dont have one...My mom & dad dont like the idea of having a dog in the houseotherwise I would definitely have a dog( I would definitely keep a stray dog if I could)
alok4best said:to everyone who is advocating that Dog lovers shud adopt a stray one..
Guys,if we cant adopt one of them ,it doesnt mean that we shud not object to their killings..there are other things also which create menace..Beggars,Thieves,Burglars etc etc..they all are menace to u go on killing everyone of them..whatever u say.Killing is not a solution to the problem..I have insisted many times..If the govt and ppl feel very much disturbed by watching dogs around them,then why dont u make separate homes for them..reserves like what u have already made for Lions,Tigers and other wild animals. advocating and supporting their killings only shows how crude you people are..Even they are living creatures and feel the same pain which we do..Imagine when a powerful species comes from somewhere and starts killing Humans just bcoz they feel that we are menace to them..Think for urself,place urself in a position where u have no power and u r being suppressed by a superior power...