*** Science Or God? ***

Science or God?

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Another atheist, recently i came up with another theory, my mind just thought that we might be living in a world like a hybrid of The Matrix & Avatar. Like we are actually just a simulation like the matrix, but not from future, but from some aliens like in avatar. Like some aliens are controlling our bodies and the world like a simulation from a distant world, and those aliens are what we call god, and when we die, we just wake up in that another world in our true bodies, what we say as heaven/hell (don't ask who's controlling those aliens).. :p
And those aliens are the one's who has programmed our world with limitations like not able to travel faster than light, so not able to reach very far in the universe, coz still we don't know how this universe was formed (and probably never will unless we are able to create something from nothing).. ;)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Another atheist, recently i came up with another theory, my mind just thought that we might be living in a world like a hybrid of The Matrix & Avatar. Like we are actually just a simulation like the matrix, but not from future, but from some aliens like in avatar. Like some aliens are controlling our bodies and the world like a simulation from a distant world, and those aliens are what we call god, and when we die, we just wake up in that another world in our true bodies, what we say as heaven/hell (don't ask who's controlling those aliens).. :p
And those aliens are the one's who has programmed our world with limitations like not able to travel faster than light, so not able to reach very far in the universe, coz still we don't know how this universe was formed (and probably never will unless we are able to create something from nothing).. ;)
I'll give you another chance.


Ambassador of Buzz
Another atheist, recently i came up with another theory, my mind just thought that we might be living in a world like a hybrid of The Matrix & Avatar. Like we are actually just a simulation like the matrix, but not from future, but from some aliens like in avatar. Like some aliens are controlling our bodies and the world like a simulation from a distant world, and those aliens are what we call god, and when we die, we just wake up in that another world in our true bodies, what we say as heaven/hell (don't ask who's controlling those aliens).. :p
And those aliens are the one's who has programmed our world with limitations like not able to travel faster than light, so not able to reach very far in the universe, coz still we don't know how this universe was formed (and probably never will unless we are able to create something from nothing).. ;)

Good plot. Use this to write a short story or novel. Insert more interesting ideas.


Broken In
I'm agnostic. If being a theist is not scientific, so is being an atheist. Neither theists nor atheists have empirical evidence to corroborate their claims on the existence or non existence of a supernatural power, all they have is a belief. A true man of science should never "believe", even atheists do that by bluntly saying "god doesn't exist". How do you know? Logic dictates me to be an agnost.


Right off the assembly line
Another atheist, recently i came up with another theory, my mind just thought that we might be living in a world like a hybrid of The Matrix & Avatar. Like we are actually just a simulation like the matrix, but not from future, but from some aliens like in avatar. Like some aliens are controlling our bodies and the world like a simulation from a distant world, and those aliens are what we call god, and when we die, we just wake up in that another world in our true bodies, what we say as heaven/hell (don't ask who's controlling those aliens).. :p
And those aliens are the one's who has programmed our world with limitations like not able to travel faster than light, so not able to reach very far in the universe, coz still we don't know how this universe was formed (and probably never will unless we are able to create something from nothing).. ;)

“Brain in a Vat” Argument, The [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

May help :p


Do we live in the Matrix? Scientists believe they may have answered the question - Telegraph
experiment to check if universe is a simulation


Sith Lord
Staff member
Another atheist, recently i came up with another theory, my mind just thought that we might be living in a world like a hybrid of The Matrix & Avatar. Like we are actually just a simulation like the matrix, but not from future, but from some aliens like in avatar. Like some aliens are controlling our bodies and the world like a simulation from a distant world, and those aliens are what we call god, and when we die, we just wake up in that another world in our true bodies, what we say as heaven/hell (don't ask who's controlling those aliens).. :p
And those aliens are the one's who has programmed our world with limitations like not able to travel faster than light, so not able to reach very far in the universe, coz still we don't know how this universe was formed (and probably never will unless we are able to create something from nothing).. ;)
this is great. keep going.

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how was universe created ???


Ten or twenty billion years ago, something happened - the Big Bang, the event that began our universe. Why it happened is the greatest mystery we know. That it happened is reasonably clear. All the matter and energy now ain the universe was concentrated at extremely high density - a kind of cosmic egg, reminiscent of the creation myths of many cultures - perhaps into a mathematical point with no dimensions at all. It was not that all the matter and energy were squeezed into a minor corner of the present universe; rather. the entire universe, matter and energy and the space they fill, occupied a very small volume. There was not much room for events to happen in.
In that titanic cosmic explosion, the universe began an expansion which has never ceased. It is misleading to describe the expansion of the universe as a sort of distending bubble viewed from the outside. It is better to think of it from the inside, perhaps expanding uniformly in all directions. As space stretched, the matter and energy in the universe expanded with it and rapidly cooled. The radiation of the cosmic fireball, which then as now, filled the universe, moved though the spectrum - from gamma rays to x-rays to ultraviolet light; through the rainbow colours of the visible spectrum; into the infrared and radio regions. The remnants of that fireball, the cosmic background radiation, emanating from all parts of the sky can be detected by radio telescopes today. In the early universe, space was brilliantly illuminated. As time passed, the fabric of space continued to expand, the radiation cooled and, in ordinary visible light, for the first time space became dark, as it is today.
In cosmos, by Carl Sagan

In our time, we have a creation myth also. but it is based on hard scientific evidence. It goes something like this . . .
We live in an expanding Universe, vast and ancient beyond ordinary human understanding. The galaxies it contains are rushing away from one another, the remnants of an immense explosion, the Big Bang. Some scientists think the Universe may be one of a vast number - perhaps an infinite number of other, closed-off universes. Some may grow and then collapse, live and die, in an instant. Others may expand forever. Some may be poised delicately and undergo a large number - perhaps an infinite number - of expansions and contractions. Our own Universe is about 15 billion years past its origin, or at least its present incarnation, the Big Bang.
Billions and Billions by Carl Sagan

The idea that the universe had been born at some time in the past, and had not existed forever, was a consequene of two sensational discoveries made in the 1920s by the American astronomer Edwin Hubble. Using the world's biggest telescope, on Mount Wilson in California, Hubble had found that the Milky Way - the great island of stars which includes the sun - was merely one "galaxy" among countless billions of others suspended in the ocean of space. In 1929, Hubble followed up his discovery of galaxies - the fundamental building blocks of the universe - with the discovery that the universe was expanding, its galaxies flying apart from each other like pieces of cosmic shrapnel.
If the universe was expanding, one conclusion appeared inescapable, it must have been smaller in the past. There must have been a moment when all of creation occupied a minuscule volume of space : the moments of the universe's Birth. By imagining the expansion running backwards, like a movie in reverse, it was possible to deduce that the universe had exploded from this super-dense state many billions of years ago.
The Magic Furnace by Marcus chown - this one later on has details on sub-atomic scale of what went on in the first few moments of the big bang, and how we came to know each of those things, but that's 4-5 pages long.

now the creation Myths

Egyptian - Ra gave birth to himself and spat out the rest of the universe
Serbian - God slept, god dreamt, awoke, and his gaze created the universe wherever he went
Norse - Cool Air and Warm Air met over the ice and thawed out Ymir from the ice, and his sweat created the first gods who slew Ymir and made the universe from his remains
Chinese - Yin and Yang fought within a cosmic egg till the fighting energies rent it apart creating the universe
Japanese - Kamui does it and uses a big fish to make the tides
Australian Aboriginal - Eternal Ancestors formed it from a barren plain
Iranian - Ahura Mazda lives in Light, Ahriman in Dark, then Ahura Mazda creates time and the universe starts.
Siberian - Ulgan rises the earth from empty oceans, using goose to dive down and scoop up the mud from the bottom of the ocean
Novajo - Ancestors lived in another world, made a hole in their sky and escaped to this one (wormhole?)


Cyborg Agent
I don't know. I am torn between theories. I believe in the theories that say all our ancient characters from religious texts were aliens. On the other hand I also believe there is a supreme power an energy that governs us all


I have been thinking about this, like if people can change religion, can we select Science as our religion, or can we chose to be religion free in India?


I have been thinking about this, like if people can change religion, can we select Science as our religion, or can we chose to be religion free in India?

Sure. India as a country is religiously very tolerant; the people, not so much.

To the atheists here, you would be naive to believe people can live without a religion. They may not call it religion (e.g. feminism and political correctness in USA), but masses always have a need to rally behind an ideology, and, sadly, cry bloody murder if it is threatened even a little bit. A life without passion is no life at all. An even temperament is the characteristic of the wise, not everyone.

Here's something you ought to watch:


Especially this one:

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The Tech Enthusiast
You know, the question "Who created the universe?" is redundant. Why do you have this undying urge to show that everything has been "created"? I could ask "Who created God?", and you would say "God simply exists". Well, this same theory stands for the universe, "The universe simply exists".

There are theories which explain how the universe may have come into existence, but they haven't yet been proven.

By the way, I am an atheist BECAUSE I have read religious books, heard religious stories, and attempted to find reason in it. God is a man made entity used for one purpose and one purpose only: control. It is a technique used to control your behaviour, control your thoughts and control your life. The earlier you accept this, the easier life will be for you. You believe you are restricted to behave and act in a particular way because God is watching you. You have been told that if you do not obey, you will be punished for it. This is control.

The entire plot is so ingenious, that people have been believing it for thousands of years without question or doubt. The concept of God was created by the Church, the temples, the synagogues. The most learned of men would live here and study science. Common folk didn't understand science, so they were made to believe in the supernatural to ensure that their lives would be better. But, like all men of power, they wanted more! So, they used this power to dictate terms and control the people. They drove the fear of God into them and used this fear to their advantage. The people being uneducated, believed everything these learned men would say and obeyed everything. This lead to the mass distortion of the original concept of God. God became a supernatural being who would smite you for being "bad".

I'm surprised that people living in a learned society, still believe in this concept.


I would suggest you watch the videos in the previous post.

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By the way, I am an atheist BECAUSE I have read religious books, heard religious stories, and attempted to find reason in it.

Reason isn't everything. Neither can it explain everything, especially about subjects we ourselves know little of. e.g. Bravery isn't rational, it saves lives nonetheless.


The Tech Enthusiast
I would suggest you watch the videos in the previous post.

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Reason isn't everything. Neither can it explain everything, especially about subjects we ourselves know little of. e.g. Bravery isn't rational, it saves lives nonetheless.

Again, bravery is a feeling. It has a reason. Reason for bravery is to feel superior. I'm speaking in a pure psychological sense here. You save someone's life due to bravery. But you do it because you want to feel good about yourself. You like feeling that you are superior.

I would recommend you read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.


Again, bravery is a feeling. It has a reason. Reason for bravery is to feel superior. I'm speaking in a pure psychological sense here. You save someone's life due to bravery. But you do it because you want to feel good about yourself. You like feeling that you are superior.

ROFL. When a soldier is defending a position from hostiles, you think he's doing it to feel superior? No, he is doing it to protect his homeland. Even when rationality dictates he withdraws to save his life, he does irrational acts to put his countrymen's safety over his. If reason were everything, computers would be far superior to us irrational beings. Imagination isn't rational, yet it is our greatest asset.

I would recommend you read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
I have. She is known to push logic too far, making her writing dry and boring.

PS. You didn't watch the videos, did you?


Sith Lord
Staff member
it's not as simplistic as being a tool for control. It could have been before the information age, but not any more
another thing, where it matters, people just do what they want anyway, there are limits to how much they allow religion to dictate their choices. One example where such conflict happens and religion loses is use of contraceptives.
there are those who follow god and other spiritual matters without belonging to a particular framework. Hinduism is good example, it is made up of terribly conflicting beliefs. Im sure all these world views have their own unique uses. This includes atheism, where there is no need for a creator god, and another belief system where the reality of this existence is argued to be ultimately unreal (with nothingness or the void being the only natural form of reality). There are schools of belief where there is skepticism of god or any kind of supernatural powers, and these are not needed for individual spiritual advancement. There might be others, but these are the two most divergent I could think of, and they have also been around for ever.
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