U have been shown how modern medicine rejects many things that could have lead to a revolution and thats what I have been saying from the start, is flaw in modern medicine and science and the way it has been going! There is no secret that ayurveda has the cure for AIDS and it has been on newspapers, magazines too. Case Studies are also there. How would a revolution take place if modern medicine is rejecting many things at a dramatic rate? What even more sad is that people like u spreading rumours and their expert opinions that "It's a fake", even when it is known to work.srivirus said:With reference to your links: Cure for AIDS? Dr. G. Shantakumaran would’ve been hailed as a modern day messiah and he’d have been a household name like Einstein if his claims are to be taken seriously. His work could’ve been a lifesaver for millions of HIV positive and AIDS affected people all over the world. But no. The only documentations of his works are on a few websites. And it’s not anything recent, even a year old; this guy has claimed to have cured an AIDS victim way back in 1992. If it was true, then why is it that AIDS is still spreading like wild fire? It was 1992 and his method, if true, could’ve made this world something else other that what it is now. BUT, there has still been no breakthrough. WHY? The obvious answer is IT’S FAKE.
But thankfully many people are getting cured of AIDS, if not on a mass scale, then be it on small scale. It's again an example of pseudo-skeptic thinking or a fanatic thinking of giving unnecessary expert opinions.
Unfortunately for u, ayurveda has it! Keep bragging bt modern medicine, which neglects so many things, if that makes u feel better.srivirus said:Ah well, to quote Carl Sagan again, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof”. It would have been indeed something extraordinary to have a real cure for AIDS. We have unfortunately not got it yet I guess.
You sure are guessing again. I don't consider memory of water as a fact to back up my statements, but as a theory which has been forwarded by scientists. But I believe in homeopathy since it has cured my incessant cough. A prolonged discussion on homeopathy here itself has even strengthened my belief since placebo cannot work on babies who get plenty of love by default and that on plants! The usual skeptic reply that homoepathy works on babies is because of placebo and that babies get "more" love and thats why get cured is simply ridiculous. What is even more ridiculous is that skeptics like James Randi testing it with usual methods of modern medicine when it has been acknowledge that "double blind" and "randomized" trials don't work. What works is that the patient be in a "thorough" examination of a homeopath who checks out not just the physical, but also the psychological factors that form the symtoms somethin that is missing in modern medicine. For further read, u can simply check out the pass history of this thread.srivirus said:Science does explain why things work with practices like homeopathy and ayurveda (where even the effects of herbs and plant extracts are explained), but the problem with you is that you do not find those answers convincing because of some personal incredulity, and harp on such things are unacceptable to science.
I'm only saying that today's modern science is not without flaws and how it shud progress. U talk about revolution of ayurveda in the case of AIDS, well atleast homeopathy is causing a lot of revolution where both doctors and patients are resorting to it and when use of homeopathy is rising tremendously. Well in "ur understanding n arguments" then, its quite real.
Now where's exactly the "prejudice against the west and white man". Care to elaborate? Having acknowledged that its no big secret that chirstian biases like Max Muller, Griffith etc are known for misleading and msitranslating the Vedas, how come u se "prejudice" there? OR do u think christian necessarliy means "white man and the west"?srivirus said:Back to the prejudice against the west and the white man I see. Why is it that you employ selective amnesia whenever anything goes against you? And FYI, the verses I quoted were indeed from Griffith translation. Didn’t do your homework, eh? Didn’t read well? Oh I see, you just wanted to find something in desperation. So you searched for critics of translation of the Vedas and came up with some ugly stuff about Muller. Go check again. They have specifically mentioned that they have used Ralph T.H. Griffith and Maurice Bloomfield, not Max Muller.
Now about the line in bold. Actually go and read with ur eyes wide open this time. Not only will u find "Griffith, Bloomfield etc, but the famous Max muller" tooooo, all which are known to have mistranslated the Vedas!
Why do u say "Western white" nutter. Now shud I reflect ur statment of "prejudice against the west and white man"? What u will find is that the peers acknowledge quite a lot of what I have been saying from the start. U keep whining of the peer review, so then go n check out what peers talk about Vedas. I have given few links itself.srivirus said:Oh BTW, FYI, the nukes were created by a western white nutter named Stephen Knapp. The things that you quoted proudly were taken from one of his books titled “Secret Teachings of the Vedas”. I looked into his works and he can aptly be termed somewhat of Hinduism’s equivalent of Zakir Naik. I’m confident that you won’t find nukes in any one else’s translation either, except for Knapp’s own interpretation.
"Peers", u do understand about the term. So check out!!
U r wrong! U don't undertsand why I am still discussing it here. Had I been biased, I wudn't have accepted about final theory in the first place where I thanked you, remember? But I asked a lotta questions back then, where u still shy to answer them back and vanished randomly saying "Oh, I have exams"!!srivirus said:I do understand that. If anyone asked me to take a word about Hinduism as interpreted by Zakir Naik seriously, I’ll have a good laugh. The problem is, you are highly biased and selective in that aspect. If something goes for you, you will gladly accept it, but will be forever skeptic if something is proved against you. Even if Osama bin Laden or the Pope will extol the greatness of the Vedas, you won’t have any problem with it, because you have accepted your beliefs as reality beyond doubt. Well, Stephen Knapp doesn’t agree with Griffith, Bloomfield or Muller, but I guess you quite comfortably agree with Knapp. And ironically, you don't even know what you are agreeing to.
Can u simply answer (quote me) what I questioned instead of whining? I quoted that pdf all over. It's not hard to see that post of mine. U can then answer the other questions about Universe that I asked. So show me how great science is that it can explain everything!srivirus said:Can you stop bluffing about telling how much you have read things? I went through that PDF and that is why I told you last time that I don’t have to accept the personal beliefs of the reviewer. I only wanted the scientific flaws in the theory. The reviewer gives a lot of explanation of the scientific infeasibility of the expansion theory, but at some instances, like where he felt there could’ve been an alternate explanation which involves a knowing hand in the creation of the universe, which of course, he gives his personal opinion/belief. The reviewer obviously is influenced by some set of beliefs similar to what T159 said, a universe within a universe, a higher consciousness, etc. These are just personal beliefs of the reviewer. That said, however, the review was indeed not in agreement to McCutcheon's theories.
LOOOOL, u r going ur comrade way! What u showed about "20.41.1-3, atharveda" is by griffith, which is not the same of what I showed. What u showed is the work of griffith => a known christian bias, a person known for misleading Vedas! So before pursuing ur pseudo-skepticism again, understand how much misleadings are there already on the net.srivirus said:You on the other hand, didn’t even know that I was quoting Griffith’s translations. Practice what you preach, oh wise one.
WEll what u can do alternatively is read some "peer review" then which is sole option for u to survive on.
Guessing again? Sorry but I don't make flimsy excuses like the materialist brigade like "Chicken pox, Exam". On contrary, I have been saying from the start to take ur time and reply wheneva u want. @Sen_sunetra didn't reply for a week and I wasn't "guessing" on anything. He took his time and replied. U on the other hand were telling me something bt bulletin board etc?srivirus said:Yeah, and if I had left without mentioning anything, you’d have really been silent about how chicken I was to make a hit-and-run post, too scared to come back and answer your so called questions, right?mediator said:U shud atleast thank me for not posting for sometime n letting u celebrate the end of ur exams. Besides I don't even feel like giving petty explanations like "Exams/chickenpox" or wateva statements the materialist brigade made to generate some sympathy from me. Also, that thread was about hypnotism and where u started trolling from nowhere and deviated it altogether to a discussion regarding Vedas.
I wonder why most of ur (materialist) replies aren't without "expert opinions" and "peer remarks" like "Garbage, Crap etc" even when the scientists are still looking on the matters?? U talk of peer review and give remarks urself? How sensible!
And u started trolling in that "hypnostism" thread, copy and pasting the gem of meera nanda on "Vedas" and then saying u were only passing on her work? Quite a "mod" like behaviour! I don't even feel like making a complaint, but I hope u will understand and improve.srivirus said:Go ask raaabo. I guess he believes that I know the rules.
Both row the same canoe.srivirus said:Not something that doesn’t even have a spark of semblance. 99 Vritasura’s != 99 Elements. Bones of Dadhyach != neutrons. And what I used was Ralph Griffith’s translation, not Max Mueller’s.
U don't have to whine n I don't havt to repeat!srivirus said:Let’s see. Empirical observations/evidences like background microwave radiation, red shift, etc. which supports the idea of the universe being denser in the past, which agreed to mathematical theories made earlier implying the occurrence of a big bang don’t account for anything for you right? Fossils discovered which shows a trait of advancement of features don’t mean anything, does it? Your problem is that you can’t even comprehend the works of astronomers and biologists to even understand what they mean. To do that, you will have to come out of the realms of ancient texts.
It was a theory that predicted the existence of objects like black holes, and they have been discovered. I guess these are all fairy tales for you right? But I guess I will no longer be a fairy tale when some nut like Knapp will retrofit that into the Vedas too.
BTW, man never needed to fly. Neither did the elephants, hence the reason you don’t see them in the sky with wings. Of course, you won't understand that, since you don't understand evolutionary biology. Recommended reading: Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion. But that is just for laymen. I think karnivore can recommend even better books.
LOOOL, If I don't have an answer, does it means that I have to speculate on one and others to "accept" on it? Science progress doesn't mean we necessarily and forcibly need to have an answer even if the "most satisfying" has plethora of flaws in it.srivirus said:Well, if you find the theory of evolution hard to accept, what else is your answer? Oh wait, I know. Reincarnation, right? Which led to the evolution of the modern man, isn’t it? Well, I know that would be your answer, because I have seen that in so many Hindu websites, and they are in agreement to the Hindu philosophy.
Ur mere speculations as in line in bold only tells how much frustrated u r. When n where did I say reincarnation led to evolution? ELABORATE PLEASE!
When we view the stars, tell me do we view the future, present or the past? Answer me straight. Just like the answer u r also living in the dark and the <answer>!srivirus said:We still don’t know what happened at the beginning of time (t=0), but that doesn’t mean that answers won’t be known ever. The brightest minds on earth are at work uncovering the secrets. Science evolves.
LOL, again a sample where instead of learning about the field itself u learn about the "skeptics talk" first! Of all the prolonged discussion u still talk bt "randomized test".srivirus said:Testable indeed. Still, it yielded no poitive results in a falsifiable randomized test.
From what I saw in the documentary "The Enemies of Reason", every patient taking a homeopathic medicine is getting a dose of Oliver Cromwell's urine, along with the urine and other waste of everyone else.
That debate was "mainly" between me n @karnivore where u contributed nothing. So understand first wht we debated instead posting uselessly!!
I told you a statement like "Sun god is the essence of whole life on earth". And now u show u don't even undertsand statements like such. The site clearly tells about the "geomatric formats". And thats why u r a disgrace. U simply like to read skepticism and not use ur own mind in many matters. WTHsrivirus said:I did read these junk in that site. Which was precisely why I asked how you can take the properties of a mythical being like Lord Shiva as axioms in a problem of geometry? Where is the proof/implication that his five heads represent 5 dimensions? How does his three eyes represent the solid dimensions? Just because a deity has 5 heads, 3 eyes and 10 arms, it doesn’t come as any solution/proof of hypercubes. There is absolutely no parallelism, as karnivore said. If you accept it as true, then you have to accept that Lord Shiva is indeed a god who exists. And that again goes against your earlier claims of you being a spiritual atheist. Make up your mind.
Oh, like AIDSsrivirus said:And no, Fermat’s theorem and Goldbach’s conjecture still have not been solved.
Again ur guessing and then questioning like silly only tells how much u r an enemy of reason. I didn't give those links as criticism, but simply to ponder if Universe is predictable! U can have more food for thought likewise. But what ridiculous is, to explain something like universe on the basis of mere puzzling theories itself!srivirus said:PS: Those two links that you gave in your latest reply to karnivore as food for thought only explains the why the concept of dark matter came into being. And, they only give more reasoning to the possibility of a Big Bang. If you had given those links as criticism of dark energy, then they are not doing any criticism, instead, only supporting the idea. Did you even read those food for thought?
PS : You r yet to answer the questions I asked!. Besides, I'm pretty bored with such repeating discussion and reminding u continously of what u have to answer yet to show how great science is that it can explain everything. The rest is upto u to continue, I won't mind continuing!
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