reporting abuse to BSNL

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18 Till I Die............
As of today evening, we had some person who started spamming the unofficial IRC channel #think-digit at by uttering obscene words and impersonating the members. I would like to report the user to the ISP, which is BSNL.
I know many will dissuade me by saying it's of no use. Still I am set on persuing it.
I would like to know which email address to send it to. Currently I have kept a draft and am thinking of sending it to Public Greviance General -
Those interested in the contents can view it at * which will be available for a day, after which I will put it on my blog.
PS:- The logs contain obscenity


Tribal Boy
1. I am not very optimistic about it, but I think every ISP has some policies about these spam and abuse, so there may be hope.

2. If you have any plan to call the PG cell ( The person who is having the email address, speak in Hindi (only Hindi !!). I had a tough time with his secretary (PA / or PS or whatever) once. I talked in English and the guy at other end didn't get it, and talked only in Hindi. He was answering in Hindi but from what he told, it was very clear that he didn't understand anything :(


Cyborg Agent
that guy was a loser :|

and the mods have even traced ip's and we have found one person to be guilty


Staff member
this guy has bsnl connection, dynamic one.

How do you trace him. Ask BSNL for records between the time ?


99.9% Idle
can anyone tell me what that guy had really told in that chat? I dont understand hindi and so asking.


Juke Box Hero
can anyone tell me what that guy had really told in that chat? I dont understand hindi and so asking.
All sexual innuendos ^_^

Will BSNL be able to do anything? I mean considering their already careless customer care status..!

mehul, why you kept kicking him.
this person deserved a straight ban:|

i hope BSNL does something here, as this would set an example for others
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Right off the assembly line
I am really sorry for my behaviour in the chatroom today. It was me who had abused Mehul Ved, for which I am extremely repentant. Later I tried to login to apologise, but was being told that I had been banned.

I am having a tough time off late. My father has been diagnosed with tumor in his kidney and doctor's have said that the kidney needs to be removed by operation. The cost of the operation is estimated to cross 2 lakhs. We had a very tough time arranging this amount and are being streatched thin in this process. Seeing the sheer helplessness in the eyes of my parents thinking about the extent they have gone to make arrangement the approximate amount is something I hope none of you ever has to go through.

My results came yesterday. When I went to collect it today, I found that I had failed this year and will not be promoted to the Third Year. I will have to sit at home the whole year for this. I have not yet told my parents about it; it will break them even further. My life is in a serious mess and I feel like ending it all. I just can't see my parents suffering anymore.

Today evening, I decided to check out the chatroom to distract myself. I called the member thematrixhasyou a transexual, becuse I thought she was a bot. If I had known she was a real person would never have said that. I am really sorry for that. When I sought clarificaion, hullap accused me to being a smartass. I was hoping to have a pleasent conversation with you guys and feel a little better - a momentary escape from the problems in the real life. But this accusation was yet another blow. I was being wrongly accused of something that had not even crossed my mind. Then I was banned from the room by Mehul. In a fit of rage, I just typed the utter disgusting nonsense and kept on pasting it under different names of forum members. I probably would have continued doing so had I not recieved a phone call. After I attended to the call which took me away from my computer, I realised the sheer inappropriateness of my action. I had intended no malice whatsoever. When i tried to join the room to tender my apology, I found that I had been banned no matter what name I used.

I realise that no matter what my problems are, under no circumstances should I have reacted the way I did. My action was totally unwarranted and unjustified. I apologise for this and am resigned to face the repurcussions that is to follow.



Juke Box Hero
I am really sorry for my behaviour in the chatroom today. It was me who had abused Mehul Ved, for which I am extremely repentant. Later I tried to login to apologise, but was being told that I had been banned.

I am having a tough time off late. My father has been diagnosed with tumor in his kidney and doctor's have said that the kidney needs to be removed by operation. The cost of the operation is estimated to cross 2 lakhs. We had a very tough time arranging this amount and are being streatched thin in this process. Seeing the sheer helplessness in the eyes of my parents thinking about the extent they have gone to make arrangement the approximate amount is something I hope none of you ever has to go through.

My results came yesterday. When I went to collect it today, I found that I had failed this year and will not be promoted to the Third Year. I will have to sit at home the whole year for this. I have not yet told my parents about it; it will break them even further. My life is in a serious mess and I feel like ending it all. I just can't see my parents suffering anymore.

Today evening, I decided to check out the chatroom to distract myself. I called the member thematrixhasyou a transexual, becuse I thought she was a bot. If I had known she was a real person would never have said that. I am really sorry for that. When I sought clarificaion, hullap accused me to being a smartass. I was hoping to have a pleasent conversation with you guys and feel a little better - a momentary escape from the problems in the real life. But this accusation was yet another blow. I was being wrongly accused of something that had not even crossed my mind. Then I was banned from the room by Mehul. In a fit of rage, I just typed the utter disgusting nonsense and kept on pasting it under different names of forum members. I probably would have continued doing so had I not recieved a phone call. After I attended to the call which took me away from my computer, I realised the sheer inappropriateness of my action. I had intended no malice whatsoever. When i tried to join the room to tender my apology, I found that I had been banned no matter what name I used.

I realise that no matter what my problems are, under no circumstances should I have reacted the way I did. My action was totally unwarranted and unjustified. I apologise for this and am resigned to face the repurcussions that is to follow.

Assuming all this is true, clarify the following points please

1) To get away from your problems, you decided to hit the #think-digit channel. Ok, now what..? Seriously? I mean you have never been to the channel before IIRC, so how are you supposed to know what happens there, that will relax you and make you forget the problems?

2) Ok, I have a bad day at work, so I decide to visit some channel to chill off the mood for sometime, so I go in and I start off by saying "Hi guys, how's it going..". Now how did you do it again? You enter and straight away abuse TheMatrixHasYou. Sorry, but I have yet to see someone do this with all the problems like yours.

3) How and why did you think TheMatrixHasYou is a bot?

Forgive me for the cross-section, but it is very hard to digest your post unless supported by some facts and proofs. Apologies on a public medium like internet is very easy to do, you don't have to show face or emotions, all you do is type, probably even laughingly, thinking "ha ha...I have pwned these idiots with my lies..".

Care to explain?

As for the personal insults on Mehul, it is upto him to decide, I won't comment on that!
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