reporting abuse to BSNL

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Right off the assembly line
Hi Hitboxx,

1.) You do have a thread running on the forum about the IRC where a lot of ROFL and LMAO are mentioned. That led me to conclude that the chatroom must be a nice place to hang out.

2.)I had logged in the chatroom a few months back [the room name was different if I remember correctly], where I had introduced myself. i had logged in this chatroom a few days back too. I don't remeber correctly, but i may have said hi, but nobody responded.

I did not start off by abusing thematrixhasyou. I first asked the members if thematrixhasyou is indeed a real person. nobody gave a straight reply. I did not really abuse it [kalpik on the irc room just told me it is indeed a bot]. I just said' "I though was a tran********. But i guess I thought wrong."

3.)As I had said, i had logged in a few days back too and saw thematrixhasyou replying in a funny manner. This raised a doubt whose clarification I tried to seek, but was not given one.


Juke Box Hero
Ok, I just hope all this is true! I wish the very best for your dad and your family.

I see no point in continuing this as you are on the channel already and behaving normal like you should have done in the first place and you have acknowledged your mistake and apologized. Welcome to #think-digit!

This thread will be open until I confirm with Mehul and see if he has anything to say, and then closed!
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