Project 8 - Bokeh
Although there is a huge confusion regarding bokeh...we will take bokeh as the ability to blur or create creamy background or out of focus area
A bokeh can be easily created by -
1. Select single focus point and focus on a certain subject...keep the subject away from background...and you will see objects in background blurred.
2. Use bigger aperture lenses like 50mm 1.8 and you will find the object kept even 3-4 inches behind of in front of focal plane will get blurred easily.
3. use macro lens ...due to the high magnification the object behind the focal plane becomes blurred easily even at f8
4. use zoom lens...put the object at minimum focal distance and focus at max zoom....the background will get blurrs
I will give you example with all these points
ok Soo I have some examples
1st I will show you how difeerent lens create bokeh when an object is just 5 inches from the subject
Bokeh close by sujoypackrasy, on Flickr
As I have said before...
example of 2nd point - I shot Tamron 17-50 at f4 from close and it nicely blurred the object behind
example of macro lens - you can see I shot the watch from very close but at around f5.6 or f8 but still due to close magnification it blurred off background subject as good as tamron did at f4
example of zoom lens - I used nikon 55-200 from around 2 feet at 200mm and it successfully blurred the object behind...but it didnt blur it that beautifully
now I shot some more when background is infinite
Nikon 55m micro by sujoypackrasy, on Flickr
Shot with nikon 55mm micro can see the background is soo smooth and proper...thats how u get those plain green background in macro shots...its no magic
Tamron 17-50 by sujoypackrasy, on Flickr
this is shot with tamron can see the background is blurred but not smooth and bit harsh...thats how some lens produce harsh Bokeh...cant help ...this shot at f3.5
Nikon 55-200 by sujoypackrasy, on Flickr
now lastly this is shot with nikon 55-200
you can see that it produces very nice bokeh...and background is nicely blurred...I just love this lens
People can also play with lights for example I shot this last year using diwali lights
Cup of Love by sujoyp, on Flickr