Photo Projects - Practical Approach


Its probably a 600ml bottle of coca cola thrown upside down without its cap in a swirling motion. :p


Aspiring Novelist
And again today, I was shooting for splash photography. Flipping water filled bottle in the air and capture the action. I was alone, so have to do the flip and click all by myself.

Guess you guys didn't read my previous post...

Rishi got it... :thumbs: It's a 1/2 ltr Slice bottle.

It's a bottle filled with water. And "the brown" is wrapper around the bottle. :)


Grand Master
hey rishi said coca cola..soo not 100% correct :D btw how will u capture splash by throwing something upside ....was it spalsh on u that u wanted to capture :D


Grand Master
Project 7 - Light Photography

Hello guys this time the project is not bookish ....I want you to create designs, your names, colorful patterns using long exposure.

Tips -
1. longer the performance slower the shutter speed
2. write on a paper and check how to write in a mirror ;)
3. you can have multiple friends making some other designs
4. i think its easier with a torch

i am putting this as an example...i will try for something better

light love by sujoypackrasy, on Flickr

exif - SS 8sec , aperture f4 ....and darkened using editing can never get a dark pic at shutter speed 10s or 8 sec ...need ND filter for that.


My first in this thread,
tried the project today, I knew my writing was bad but this bad :( ...
Here it comes...

View attachment 12143

View attachment 12144
Could you recognise what I was trying to write(PaYne my online gaming alias)...

So, after these, I tried my hand on designing...

View attachment 12145

For now these are my only successful tries.
Will try tomorrow.

Thanks bye :)

Edit : Please can anyone tell me which tag to use so that the pics are displayed in the post and not as link?


Grand Master
@dheeraj just open a account ...upload the pics there...go below the pic...there is an option to bbcode and size...and copy the code and paste here are done :)

btw I still couldnt make out what you were writing....dont be in can increase the time by lowring the shutter speed like 20sec or so...make what you want calmly :)


@dheeraj just open a account ...upload the pics there...go below the pic...there is an option to bbcode and size...and copy the code and paste here are done :)

btw I still couldnt make out what you were writing....dont be in can increase the time by lowring the shutter speed like 20sec or so...make what you want calmly :)

Yes, I understand that that it has to be done calmly and not in a hurry...I was just trying whether I could do it or not...
The main thing I realised here was to stop the light at the correct moment so that you don't leave a trail of light behind which can make it a look messy.

Will try it again today :) .


Grand Master
yes you are right...light had to be stopped at right moment...due to my ignorence there is a big light patch in the heart I posted yeasterday...and its looking bad


Grand Master
Hmm we did do any project for soo long...

How about the thing amlan has tried ...thats creating bokeh....guys I think that will be great for next project...what say??


Lets try getting bokeh. Start the project Sujoy.

Another idea for a future project can be on postprocessing. Making a normal click surreal, it won't exactly be very moral but should be a great learning experience


Grand Master
Project 8 - Bokeh

Although there is a huge confusion regarding bokeh...we will take bokeh as the ability to blur or create creamy background or out of focus area

A bokeh can be easily created by -

1. Select single focus point and focus on a certain subject...keep the subject away from background...and you will see objects in background blurred.

2. Use bigger aperture lenses like 50mm 1.8 and you will find the object kept even 3-4 inches behind of in front of focal plane will get blurred easily.

3. use macro lens ...due to the high magnification the object behind the focal plane becomes blurred easily even at f8

4. use zoom lens...put the object at minimum focal distance and focus at max zoom....the background will get blurrs

I will give you example with all these points

ok Soo I have some examples :)

1st I will show you how difeerent lens create bokeh when an object is just 5 inches from the subject

Bokeh close by sujoypackrasy, on Flickr

As I have said before...

example of 2nd point - I shot Tamron 17-50 at f4 from close and it nicely blurred the object behind
example of macro lens - you can see I shot the watch from very close but at around f5.6 or f8 but still due to close magnification it blurred off background subject as good as tamron did at f4
example of zoom lens - I used nikon 55-200 from around 2 feet at 200mm and it successfully blurred the object behind...but it didnt blur it that beautifully

now I shot some more when background is infinite
Nikon 55m micro by sujoypackrasy, on Flickr
Shot with nikon 55mm micro can see the background is soo smooth and proper...thats how u get those plain green background in macro shots...its no magic :D

Tamron 17-50 by sujoypackrasy, on Flickr
this is shot with tamron can see the background is blurred but not smooth and bit harsh...thats how some lens produce harsh Bokeh...cant help ...this shot at f3.5

Nikon 55-200 by sujoypackrasy, on Flickr
now lastly this is shot with nikon 55-200
you can see that it produces very nice bokeh...and background is nicely blurred...I just love this lens

People can also play with lights for example I shot this last year using diwali lights

Cup of Love by sujoyp, on Flickr


Staff member
sujoy can you post the first watch pic with the same crop factor as you used in the last two. I just want to see the bokeh of 50 micro compared to the zoon lens in last pci.


That is an absolutely brilliant set of examples Sujoy. Working a bit on this, hopefully will have some shots worth posting


Grand Master
sure faun...will post them today :) but I must tell you that Nikon 55mm 2.8 Micro is famous for sharpness and produce just a notch less bokeh then 50mm 1.8

@amlan..thanks...bokeh can be produced by any lens...its a matter of technique
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