Photo Projects - Practical Approach


sujoy, your shots are pretty good. Waise a solution to the box ruining clarity thing, I think we can all try the spoon waala splash. Just need to ensure that the camera is far away and it has a UV guard or something on it :)) ...

Nikku, you can always try out splash and drops projects indoors. Also rainly evenings give you a great chance to get some amazing cloudscapes. So keep shooting, you'll get some amazing stuff


Grand Master
@amlan ....the splash and shutter speed all was ok in many of my attempts but the clarity was too bad ...I disliked most of them
spoon wala splash needs a small nibbu or a strawberry on big spoon ....
I thought of that too but sadly all lemons are too big here...will try something at home (when i reach home next week :D )


Aspiring Novelist

After a long time it rained here today. :) Hoping there would be some more in coming days and I can use that opportunity to do "Monsoon Photography"


My contribution to the last project. Some stuff that I learned that might help others out
1. Keep the shutter speed at around 1/1600 or so or you'll blur out the splash itself
2. The minimum aperture that I could use was f/7.1 otherwise I would lose out the front and back of the splash (50mm focal length)
3. You need crazy amounts of light, so shoot in sunlight, put up lamps, just about everything you can lay your hands on
4. try a lot, by the time I finished I had about 350 clicks (1.25 GB) :))

ok without more gyaan, the pic

Splash! by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr


I am not an Owl
That's a really great pic, and nice choice of colours. Are those Lego bricks?

Completely Offtopic, but I cant help but wonder, you registered about 6 years ago on this forum, have just 55 comments and I think I have seen atleast 10-15 of them (very insightful/reliable comments those were, I may add) myself in the very few threads I visit. What do you do, stalk the threads? :D

raja manuel

In the zone
Completely Offtopic, but I cant help but wonder, you registered about 6 years ago on this forum, have just 55 comments and I think I have seen atleast 10-15 of them (very insightful/reliable comments those were, I may add) myself in the very few threads I visit. What do you do, stalk the threads? :D
Ha ha! Yeah, lurking and stalking is pretty much what I do. Of the 55 posts I guess 1 must be from 2007 and the remaining 54 in the last few months, partly due to having 14-hours-a-day jobs that don't leave much time for commenting and partly because socialising isn't my strong point.


Grand Master
@raja but u give the best explanation among us...we would love more participation from you :) BTW if you know soo much about photography where are ur photos :D

raja manuel

In the zone
I guess you guys must have seen a couple, though my photos are nothing very impressive. I don't have all that much time for photography and right now I am just fiddling around with Magic Lantern so I have a very high rejection rate. I might start a Magic Lantern thread if I make headway with it.

As for participation… other than the time constraint I don't think it is required, actually. We have a few knowledgeable members who step in and provide good info; many queries are about price which I don't know much about; and as I am sure you have all noticed, I am not particularly fond of recommending DSLRs to people who have no idea why they want one.

All this attention is very flattering, though :D


Grand Master
@raja ...I know u check the threads as much as we all do :D its always good to get valuable suggestion from knowledgeables :)


@izzikio_rage - Superb shot .

My contribution to the last project. Some stuff that I learned that might help others out
1. Keep the shutter speed at around 1/1600 or so or you'll blur out the splash itself
2. The minimum aperture that I could use was f/7.1 otherwise I would lose out the front and back of the splash (50mm focal length)
3. You need crazy amounts of light, so shoot in sunlight, put up lamps, just about everything you can lay your hands on
4. try a lot, by the time I finished I had about 350 clicks (1.25 GB) :))

ok without more gyaan, the pic

which mode? i mean did you use Burst mode or just one shot per splash, also how did you manage to get black background??
the glass is also clean and there are no distractions, excellent.


@izzikio_rage - Superb shot .

which mode? i mean did you use Burst mode or just one shot per splash, also how did you manage to get black background??
the glass is also clean and there are no distractions, excellent.

thank you. I used burst mode for this, even then it's pretty hard to ensure that the best time of the splash will get captured. So it's a lot of trial and error. The black background is a computer cabinet case, I underexposed the shot a bit so that it would come out black. Also this was in sunlight falling from the left side of the shot, no flash used.

looked at quite a few settings for these kinds of shots on flickr. The shutter speed seems more in the range of 1/300 types, so I guess they are using external lights (or even strobe lights) to prevent blurring.

Hope that helps


Grand Master
ooh 1/300 that means normal flash wont help ....

Thanks amlan...I tried some splash pics again...not good as urs but got much better results then before...btw I never went below 1/800 s shutter speed

Rupee Drowning by sujoyp, on Flickr

btw 5RS coin was quit hard to take went down soo quickly due to its weight :D


Pretty cool shot

I also did a few tries with some coins and I guess the type of splash also depends on what you drop in. I coin will not create much of a splash (water coming out of the glass) but will give that tunnel of air type thing really well. I also tried dropping a colored eraser, a nimbu and other random stuff :)) but got the best splashes with the lighter objects and great tunnels with the heavier ones.

So what's the plan for the next project? It's been two weeks now.
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