Photo Projects - Practical Approach



Grand Master
Project 6- Soap Bubbles

This time we will try to shoot various patters on the soap bubbles...which looks amazing and colorful.



Tips to take these -

1. Need lots of light reflecting from different angles
2. black background
3. make a bubble solution with 6 part soap and 1 part glecerine to increase strength of shell
4. use small aperture like f10- f16
5. shutter speed of 1/160 is enough if u just want shoot bursting bubbles u need to be on around 1/2000

refer - Photo ideas: soap bubble photography | Digital Camera World


Grand Master
I couldnt make any bubbles...I tried twice...and I didnt find any glecerene here :( will do something


Aspiring Novelist
Have the others given up already?
I am not...

Tried splash photo project...

I don't think I can get a decent result if I try it indoor with the help of built in flash. So I tried outdoor, in the middle of the day. Sun was too hot... :-x

Set up isn't good...



that is a pretty good shot, just some suggestions, zoom in a bit (or crop the existing pics). Perhaps a lower angle would help you get more of the splash in the image. and I guess you can always push the ISO to 200 and increase the speed a bit more.


Aspiring Novelist
I need few things to get it done better.

Light wasn't an issue... There was plenty of light and I can go as high as the max shutter speed in my camera.


Grand Master
nac the 2 things u have to do with the same setup
1. go low on angle , from top there is nothing much to see
2. have a background...keep a black cloth or red or some dark color behind the subject


Aspiring Novelist
God!!! I wish I have a weather shield camera. Few days ago when I was trying splash photography, I tried and keep some distance but couldn't avoid water drops falling on my camera and lens.
And again today, I was shooting for splash photography. Flipping water filled bottle in the air and capture the action. I was alone, so have to do the flip and click all by myself.

Urgh!!! water spilled in my camera but this time, a plenty of water. I was little worried at first and wiped the water off of the camera. Luckily it didn't get to the front side of the camera. Camera is functioning fine so far. I don't think I will be dare to take this kinda risk again. :mad:

I just wanna ask you... :twisted: why all the last four projects have to do something with water :)


Grand Master
water coz its rainy season :D

anyways ...take care of ur camera...btw i too did something stupid like this...took splash shots of green chilly then noticed that my lens front have soo many droplets...tried to remove it but still some marks are there...i hope it could be cleaned...i tried my lens pen but still drop marks are there :(

bubble project is flop...i couldnt make any...let me think of something about writing ur name using a light trail...using name will also do


Aspiring Novelist
Project: Monsoon Photography


Canon SX130 | f/3.4 | 1/250 sec (EC 0 step) | ISO - 80
Photomatix HDR - Exposure compensation -2 step to +2 step (Total 5 images)


Aspiring Novelist
This is the one I was trying few days ago for splash photography project.

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