Photo Projects - Practical Approach


Thank you sujoy and nac , somehow had missed this thread for some days. I tried to get that rim light thing (guess it comes out well only on people), did get the lens flare in this though


Grand Master
yaah maybe on hair light looks beautiful...maybe it needs a curvey objects like a ball or tree or animal or human :)


Any tips on shooting electronic items ? may be cell phones , pc parts something like that without much setup?
I need some inspiration to get myself back into photography.


Grand Master
without much setup...hmm get 2 led table lamps ...put the item between them and shoot at f11-f22 ...use white or black base ...I just shot some of my coins yesterday...still processing them


I want to take some shots of Street Vendors , somewhere around Chandni Chowk Delhi , in morning at 10:00 clock.
Any recommendations ??
Although , a friend of mine would be accompanying me with his DSLR. But I am clueless.


Grand Master
rishi ...there is no sure shot formula for street photography...just put aperture around f8 to get them sharp ...try to shoot at 35-50mm mostly to get a good angle/composition...and never use pop up flash


For street photography mostly the moments are split second ones so keep the cam on program mode and on AF. Shutter speed priority is also a good mode if you want to capture motion blurs or panning shots.

Try to talk to the people after you shoot them, it makes you less creepy.

Look for patterns or frame shots that tell a story, Don't spray and pray hoping to get a good shot

Check out flickr/500px before you go out. It'll give you some great ideas

Have fun, its usually a very strange experience if you are a shy person. Hoping to see some awesome clicks


Grand Master
and yes if someone demands to see the shot or delete it ...please delete it happily ...dont argue in any case ....or you may end up in a bad experience


and yes if someone demands to see the shot or delete it ...please delete it happily ...dont argue in any case ....or you may end up in a bad experience

The benefit of being a geek is that you know that even the deleted photos can be recovered easily. :p

I wouldn't mind deleting them , I know how to get em back. :p


rishi ...there is no sure shot formula for street photography...just put aperture around f8 to get them sharp ...try to shoot at 35-50mm mostly to get a good angle/composition...and never use pop up flash

Okay. I will try these settings.


For street photography mostly the moments are split second ones so keep the cam on program mode and on AF. Shutter speed priority is also a good mode if you want to capture motion blurs or panning shots.

Try to talk to the people after you shoot them, it makes you less creepy.

Look for patterns or frame shots that tell a story, Don't spray and pray hoping to get a good shot

Check out flickr/500px before you go out. It'll give you some great ideas

Have fun, its usually a very strange experience if you are a shy person. Hoping to see some awesome clicks

Yeah . Its kind of strange when doing street photography , specially people staring .
Will post some pics on Sunday.


A couple of ideas for future projects

Benezier method: was just reading about the benezier method of emulating the DOF and field of view that a medium format camera (with an even bigger sensor than a full frame). Seems like a fun thing to do if you are comfortable with using photoshop or other editing programs. does not require a hifi cam to do

Shooting an emotion: this is a task that a couple of pro photographer friends of mine get from their mentors. The idea is to shoot something that will immidiately allow the viewer to identify the emotion that you've chosen, like love (pretty easy) or anger (hard if you are not shooting a portrait). Again can be tired with pretty much any cam

We can always do projects on light painting, star trails, panning etc provided people are interested. What say?


Grand Master
I am already learning about star trails and stary sky ...Nac is working on it...prashant is good at it...we can have the project :D

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
Got myself a gimbal head, Opteka GH1 Pro Heavy Duty Gimbal Head with Quick Release (Supports up to 30lbs)

Superb one, has that Arca Swiss kind of release Will try and pick up Gitzo second hand legs or something similar, gearing up for the Big purchase the Tamron 150-600mm . Have already contacted Tamron India,available on order only!!!!!!!!
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Grand Master
14k head :shock: and u want to spend 20-25k on gitzo legs ....just for a tammy 150-600 :D costing 80k ....why not get canon 100-400 L at least

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
Posted the same thing twice ,looking despo now. Moved it from here Realising it a wrong section and you commented posted it back for relevance and in the other post Nac commented niw cant delete either!

Yes , buying the 100-400L was the original plan but have given up on it since budget is a constraint.But still if I can shore up the funds surely will by the L ,but its distant dream as of now.


Aspiring Novelist
Project: Light Photography

The Door


SX130 | f/3.4 | 1 min | ISO 80 | F 28mm eq.,

Bought a laser pointer last week. And completed this project. It's been in queue for a long time. :) This is my 6th project out of 11.

I request sujoy to put an index in the very first post. Links to the posts where we can see details of the projects. If you have links to the posts where the images are posted.
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