Hey thanx Jas for creating the new thread..
Ico, U said u will copy the posts from pg.30-33 to the new thread, so i hope u notice this new thread and do the needful..
btw to all: today I called up Primeabgb (Lamington road, Mumbai) and enquired abt certain components, the price wich was quoted to me was far less than wats advertised on theor website Prime ABGB Today's Cool Deal ! here are the prices that i got for sum of the components...
1.) Motherboard : I was looking for a USB 3.0 and SATA 6Gbps based motherboard from Gigabyte and had shortlisted 2 motherboards GA-X58-A-UD5 (Rev 2.0) and GA-X58-A-UD7 (Rev 2.0)
Prime didnt hv UD5 but quoted me the price for UD7 as Rs. 18,950/-
2.) GPU: THey
570 DCu II or ASUS enGTX
580 DCu II

and said they cannot make it available even.. wat a shame..

(can anyone help me in finding this gpu..??) they (Prime) said that they only have Zotac gtx480 (THe twin fan setup gpu) @ Rs. 28.5K
3.) Gaming Keyboard:
Logitech g110 (on site price Rs. 4.3K) quoted to me on fone Rs.3.2K
Logitech G15 (On site price Rs. 4.2K) Quoted to me on fone Rs. 3.8K
Razer BlackWidow (On site price Rs.4.2K) Quoted to me on fone Rs.5.9K
THen I maild theitwares.com site (Rahul) in afternoon, still the reply is pending.. lets see...
If any of the guys here hv any idea abt the availability of ASUS enGTX 570 DCu II (or) ASUS enGTX 580DCu II ..?? plz let me know.. 
CHeers n e-peace.....