Yes ofcourse... So Here, 560ti TFII beats 6950TFII in 7/8 games & in here, 560ti TFII beats 6950 2GB(stock) in 4/6 games...
Also in AA n AF dept. 560Ti rules...
ok first see the games they use in tweaktown. mafia II, batman aa, lost planet etc. all nvidia biased. 560 ti hawk will ofcourse perform better in them.
and about guru3d look again, 6950 is winning in 4/7 games. and read my other links too.
about aa this time amd's aa performance is better. check out analysis by hardocp. their gaming reviews approach is best.
oh look what i find -
Is tweaktown Bias toward Nvidia? - Overclockers UK Forums
TweakTown accused of EXTREME bias to wards Nvidia with latest GTS450 review...
thats why i say follow sites like toms hardware, anandtech, guru3d, hardocp etc.