Official Android discussion thread


Human Spambot
Debit cards?

HDFC Debit cards (Visa) have a hit or miss rate on Steam. Never seen any HDFC Debit card (MasterCard) working on Steam. Dunno about Play Store.

I'd need definite information to make any update.
Yes, Debit Cards only. I don't use Credit Cards.
is it only me or the Facebook app for Android really sucks?
It should get an award for being the most laggy/buggy app ever made, along with Score Mobile.
Try nova launcher. It has a feature to use custom Icons and Icon packs.
Along with many other launchers like Apex, Holo etc. But yeah, Nova is little better than the rests. That's why I purchased it!
Btw- Requesting all to use the GMD Gesture Control app. It's cool.


NetCards/VCC doesn't seems to be of any USE on Playstore.The problem is that most VCCs are one-time use only.
ANd I think Google first verifies the Card by charging some amount and then (maybe) pays it back. THis makes the same card unsuable for next transaction.

Mr. Officer

Updated my Note II from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 [official] and now the battery backup has gone really low, anyone else facing the same issue ?

Battery used to last in excess of 30 hours and now lasts just a little over 15 hours ?

Shall I roll back to previous FW ?


Human Spambot
Updated my Note II from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 [official] and now the battery backup has gone really low, anyone else facing the same issue ?

Battery used to last in excess of 30 hours and now lasts just a little over 15 hours ?

Shall I roll back to previous FW ?

please do check xda thread for issues, if the issue is really exists rollback
Sent from my Windows 8 device using Board Express

Mr. Officer

^^I've been checking for some info regarding the same issue all over the net... haven't found anything concrete yet !!

Any "tried and tested" app to determine whats eating up the battery ?

Mr. Officer

Better batterystats is showing kernel wakelocks and partial wakelocks apart from alarm, process, other, network...using something for the first time dont exactly know what to look for and how to set it up?

I feel the drop in battery backup is almost 25% it was stellar on 4.1.1 and is just above avg.

I've stopped locagion services in Google + thats helped a little....honestly I had almost everything turned on before with 4.1.1 and still exceptional battery performance.

Seriously thinking of rolling back to 4.1.1 :confused:


In the Zone
I'm using a Sony Erricson Arc S and now its showing wrong battery status. I flashed a custom ROM before and later reverted back to STOCK Sony ICS.
There is no battery life issues as of now but the batter status in Settings menu is wrong.
Its saying I have been running on battery for more than 2 days and 10 hours even when I tried to charge it by plugging it on my pc


In the Zone
Thanks :)
That solved it. I thought something got seriously messed up while flashing back Stock ICS ROM.:D


Super Moderator
Staff member
Is ICS a battery hog? Upgraded my Galaxy R last night, even with minimal use (WiFi on) battery is draining like anything.


Human Spambot
My phone s2 had some freezing and other problems with 4.0.3 update but 4.0.4 resolved everything. So only option is to wait or xda :D


Human Spambot
Nothing to set up in BBS.
Partial wakelocks and kernel wakelocks are the section to look for, mainly.
Better batterystats is showing kernel wakelocks and partial wakelocks apart from alarm, process, other, network...using something for the first time dont exactly know what to look for and how to set it up?

I feel the drop in battery backup is almost 25% it was stellar on 4.1.1 and is just above avg.

I've stopped locagion services in Google + thats helped a little....honestly I had almost everything turned on before with 4.1.1 and still exceptional battery performance.

Seriously thinking of rolling back to 4.1.1 :confused:

Mr. Officer

Better batterystats is showing kernel wakelocks and partial wakelocks apart from alarm, process, other, network...using something for the first time dont exactly know what to look for and how to set it up?

I feel the drop in battery backup is almost 25% it was stellar on 4.1.1 and is just above avg.

I've stopped locagion services in Google + thats helped a little....honestly I had almost everything turned on before with 4.1.1 and still exceptional battery performance.

Seriously thinking of rolling back to 4.1.1 :confused:

^^please find screenshots of partial and kernel wakelocks from BBS

PS: I've been monitoring the battery drain very closely and it ain't 25% less but more like 10 -15%
The recent update from Samsung has got a few goodies bundled in and I'd like to stay on 4.1.2 at the cost of some battery juice.
Hope folks at Samsung address these issues in the coming updates and also bring "moveable homescreen wallpaper" back which is amiss in TW [though a few launchers like Nova / Go have this feature but I'd like to have it in stock ROM/UI]

Any pointers for saving some juice - pardon my ignorance
Please find screenshots of partial and kernel wakelocks from BBS


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