Need for Speed: Undercover Coming

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MMO Addict
Just played 10 min. Looks like MW with shiny cars and more detailed world. But roads don't look good. Maxed with 4xAA. Overall, graphics kinda crappy.

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Aspiring Novelist
I played it & uninstalled it. Reason: Bad to worse performance with the frame rates. I ain't touching it again till someone confirms otherwise. Checked up GameFAQS boards as well they too have the same issue with Quad setup & GTX280. This is completely unacceptable. I have maxed out every detail & the frame rates take a nose dive to 25Fps. It doesn't look so solid in the graphics department either. Tried reducing every detail but still couldn't get close to 45Fps. This is insane. Looks like a port job or a rather very bad optimisation. :mad:


great ....don't tell me that EA got it wrong this time too.......I hoped this would be the game that saves their name ......especially after prostreet...


Broken In
I have lost hope in EA lately , they have now become greedy people trying to squeeze money instead of making good games.


Dark Overlord !!!
@ ethan: I agree.... this one has worse graphical quality than NFS:MW. I am playing at 1680x1050 with max details on Vista at 4X AA. At similar settings Codemaster's GRID offers way better graphical quality with more than 80 FPS, while this one barely manages to get 40 FPS with occassional freezing frames.... kind of disgusting !!!! Tried to play with AA turned off and still there are performance issues... :x But NFS:UC is better than that crap ProStreet in gameplay...even the background music is quite good. I was able to play the game for half an hour before it started to get boring...!!! The graphics feel really pathetic... take a look at the trees/roads... man !!!! even NFS:MW had better trees/roads in terms of graphics..... :x ... I think I will stick with DIRT and GRID !!!! NFS is really losing it..... and it feels bad coz HP2/UG/MW were some of the best arcade racing experiences that I had on the PC !!!


Aspiring Novelist
Thanks for confirming. I was struggling with the same fate. I was so happy to finally try this out but all hopes tanked when I saw the poor performance graph. GriD gave 67Fps at all times for me rather than this piece of junk. Something is dead wrong with the game. I didn't expect this from EA.


Dark Overlord !!!
GRID is an awesome arcade/racing simulator hybrid game...the controls are therefore a bit more difficult for guys who never played Simulators, but once you get adjusted to it, you can't deny that its one of the best racing games ever made for PC. Take a look:


Violent serenity.
^^We are not commenting on grafix but on the optimisation. How are you going reach the end if your game runs at 2FPS ?

Well, I read many comments about this choppy FPS issue. On TPB forum, GFaqs, GSpot, etc. :|

GRID is an awesome arcade/racing simulator hybrid game...the controls are therefore a bit more difficult for guys who never played Simulators, but once you get adjusted to it, you can't deny that its one of the best racing games ever made for PC. Take a look:

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Dark Overlord !!!
huh.. IGN already released a review for the PS3 version... and gave the game a pathetic 4.0 rating.... this is just demeaning for the once-brilliant NFs series....:x

Third Eye

Third Eye

gooby pls
huh.. IGN already released a review for the PS3 version... and gave the game a pathetic 4.0 rating.... this is just demeaning for the once-brilliant NFs series....:x


lol could be the worst nfs game ever. :D
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