Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

quan chi

mortal kombat
Well I watched DeNiro's movies while growing up and all of 'em were gems like GFII,Taxi Driver, Heat, Cape Fear, Good Fellas and many more!! Thats why when he takes up project like Ronin & others its a big disappointment for me 'cause I consider him as one of the 3 best actors of all time...the other two being : one & only Marlon Brando & other Al Pacino!!
sorry i couldnt get you properly.Do you think ronin was so loosely scripted that he shouldn't have taken it?
True De niro is an amazing versatile actor.Even in this film he was the center of attraction.

Anyways i take it you didnt liked the story of ronin.Well no problem at all many people have the same view as yours.It kinda got a mixed review.

Btw have you seen pulp fiction?If you have and didnt liked that too then i can understand.:)


@sam9s - GF definitely stands out as the best Brando movie but his performances in On the Waterfront, A streetcar named desire, Sayonara & many others before GF shouldn't be forgotten!! Of course he did make horrible ones later in his life like Score but I guess thats the story with all the actors!! And yes Martyr was one twisted flick!!Geez!!it made me sick for the next couple of days!!

@ quanchi - Yes I have watched almost all the movies directed by Tarantino and I feel Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown & Inglorious Basterds are his best work!!John Travolta's Vincent and Harvey Kietel's "The Wolf" characters were hilarious!! And boy the dance of Travolta & Thurman!!one doesn't need to say much about it!!:D


Aspiring Novelist
Martyrs ................. well another Twisted super violent movie. If you think Koreans have the patent for ultra violent movies, take a look at this. But this one was better than the last Korean violent movie I saw "I saw the devil". where in there was nothing except the brutal violence .......
LOL! French gore flicks would eat the Koreans for breakfast.


In the zone
Not a love story : 3/5
A very different movie as it is based on true story.
Music in the film is good and also the camera angles.
*Please dont watch it with your family, gf, etc :p*


Just.Go.With.It (2011) comedy movie Adam Sandler , Jennifer Anniston , funny family movie i just started watching and then i kept watching so its nice i think.


Aspiring Novelist
@sam9s - GF definitely stands out as the best Brando movie but his performances in On the Waterfront, A streetcar named desire, Sayonara & many others before GF shouldn't be forgotten!! Of course he did make horrible ones later in his life like Score but I guess thats the story with all the actors!! And yes Martyr was one twisted flick!!Geez!!it made me sick for the next couple of days!!
See Apocalypse Now.

@ quanchi - Yes I have watched almost all the movies directed by Tarantino and I feel Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown & Inglorious Basterds are his best work!!John Travolta's Vincent and Harvey Kietel's "The Wolf" characters were hilarious!! And boy the dance of Travolta & Thurman!!one doesn't need to say much about it!!:D

I found IB to be lame and boring. Was really slow. If not for the villain would have have totally crummy. Brad Pitt was hamming big time.

Yea, I would find it hard to choose between RD and PF.


Just finished watching I Saw The Devil!!! Absolutely loved it!! The emotions portrayed by the antagonist & the protagonist are simply breathtaking!! "Oldboy" Choi returns with a bang!!

WATCH IT!!Its worth watching many a times simply for the performances of Byung Lee & Choi!!


I am the master of my Fate.
Just finished watching I Saw The Devil!!! Absolutely loved it!! The emotions portrayed by the antagonist & the protagonist are simply breathtaking!! "Oldboy" Choi returns with a bang!!

WATCH IT!!Its worth watching many a times simply for the performances of Byung Lee & Choi!!

oh yeah its my fav movie...
& I like the scene when
hero come to know that his wife is dead..
& the emotion of him is simply marvelous :))

also the acting of villain is excellent

^ some kind of disturbing movie. suitable only for mature audiance.

ya its above 18+ but its not as disturbing as other gore flicks :wink:


Broken In
watch Guinea Pig Series Films and Face of death film and tell ur experince here.i know Most of the guys cannot watch the complete Guinea Pig series film!!!


Aspiring Novelist
@Zangetsu, spoilers???!!!
You haven't seen the movie yet?

Any-hoo, saw these movies:

The Green Hornet: Let's get one thing straight, Seth Rogen is still a moron who can't act for sh*t. I had pretty low expectations with this movie, but somehow, me and my brother had fun watching this yesterday afternoon. It's retarded all right, but there are some mildly funny moments, if you're willing to leave your brains behind. ;-)

Bad Teacher: Where's the 'must not watch movies' thread again?

Super: Not bad at all. Though it seemed like a poor man's Kick-Ass, turned out to be a pretty good movie. Rainn Wilson did a great job.

Priest: Visually and Artistically, this movie was awesome. However, the poor script and shoddy ending of the movie let it down big time.


I am the master of my Fate.
Zangetsu - If you liked it so much you might like Oldboy!! Have you watched it??

No I haven't give me imdb link...

@Zangetsu, go for "Vengeance Trilogy"

I will... :wink:

The Echo (2008) - 7/10
Movie is solid in horror...gets creepy some times :grin:

If clear shots of scenes like the villain banging the girls head with an iron pipe/hammer over and over again with blood spilling all over left, all over right, all over him, all over camera and all over every place the shot can cover ............ does not disturb you, then somethings seriously wrong with you ......... No offense intended BTW .... :)

Its one of the most disturbing movies I have seen (and trust me I have seen a lot) .....

a psycho the villian was...& believe me their are more disturbing movies than this....:))
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