Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Democracy is a myth
guys watch Exam. it has loads of mistakes, but the premise is great. it is a job interview, and the whole movie takes place inside one room. there are no names, and everyone is called by their sexist and racial tags, so the indian is brown, and the blonde is blonde. the first minute of the movie is very, very important, so watch that carefully, the rest of the movie revolves around it.
Try "El Metodo", from which "Exam" was heavily inspired.


Wise Old Owl
Gravity 4.5/10

watched in Cam print? Have Cenophobia ? are you Russian? More handsome than Clooney and still salman refused to give you break in bollywood? Sandra you're wife!! ??

ohh i know ...its the two guys who sat beside you in the theater hall. *sigh* their numbers are increasing...don't worry friend, you'll be okay.
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incoming in 3... 2... 1...
Were you getting call in that time or had to attend to something?

watched in Cam print? Have Cenophobia ? are you Russian? More handsome than Clooney and still salman refused to give you break in bollywood? Sandra you're wife!! ??

ohh i know ...its the two guys who sat beside you in the theater hall. *sigh* their numbers are increasing...don't worry friend, you'll be okay.
What a reply samji! Super!


watched in Cam print? Have Cenophobia ? are you Russian? More handsome than Clooney and still salman refused to give you break in bollywood? Sandra you're wife!! ??

ohh i know ...its the two guys who sat beside you in the theater hall. *sigh* their numbers are increasing...don't worry friend, you'll be okay.

Well watched in 720p. I think it suit you xenophobia. Oh got ! it you just saw my user name happens. I'm pro Indian. No not handsome than Clooney but of-course better than you. I don't need a break in Bollywood like it's your dieing wish, however I'm well qualified and capable so I don't require any break. Unfortunately it was you dream about her and stuck in horizon.

I have answer for second paragraph but really I don't like to write nonsense or anything racist, because I'm not hypnotized to watch a frog in the ocean.

The Russians launch a rocket to destroy one of their dead satellites on the other side of the world and it produces an unexpected sea of fast-moving space debris. The problem is, in space, things are trapped by the Earth’s gravity so Stone and Kowalski are warned by mission control that the debris field is heading their way and it’s going to be a big problem.

After few later it arrives and destroys both the un-launched satellite and the shuttle itself. The two astronauts barely escape with their lives and are now marooned in space with little hope of rescue and, predictably, Nobody from the earth is trying to help or communicate with them, sorry didn't see any station on Earth.

The problem is, there’s surprisingly little tension for a film that could have easily been framed as a sort of floating ’High Noon’. In fact, Stone and Kowalski very rarely even check their watches to see how much time remains before the next wave of debris will arrive (it’s a 90min orbital cycle), so instead of having the orbiting debris as a constant threat it’s more of an afterthought.When the debris strikes them the first time and Bullock is very nearly lost Clooney attaches a lanyard to her so she can be pull behind him. Instead of her pulling in the slack thus not being jostled around while Clooney is towing her. She should be worried about it possibly snapping because it is so loose.

The problem with the film is that there are no choices. Choices create tension, without choices, the tension quickly becomes boring. This movie plays much like a linear video game. Mission #1, catch the lady. Mission #2, go here. Mission #3, go there.Mission #4 start this ship. Mission #5, start the other ship. Other than giving up, there was no choices made. It's a relentless dash in a straight line.

One interesting exception was the choice made to pick up the dead body of another astronaut, which proved to be a fatal mistake. However, no attention was paid to the choice. It was presented as a no brainer and no thought was paid to it before or afterwards.

Speaking visual effect it really is a beautiful and technically amazing film but may be special effects team wins an Oscar for Technical Achievement. It’s just not much of a narrative movie at all.

The bullock performance was really tranquillizer and which reflect yet again why she is one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood. By contrast, Clooney is always the same cool, gravel-voiced character in all his films. Likable, but he has no range whatsoever as an actor.


Broken In
watched in Cam print? Have Cenophobia ? are you Russian? More handsome than Clooney and still salman refused to give you break in bollywood? Sandra you're wife!! ??

ohh i know ...its the two guys who sat beside you in the theater hall. *sigh* their numbers are increasing...don't worry friend, you'll be okay.

Hahaha. That was funny.
In all sincerity what rating someone gives is upto them but for me Gravity was the best 3d experience I had till now.


Wise Old Owl
Well watched in 720p. I think it suit you xenophobia. Oh got ! it you just saw my user name happens. I'm pro Indian. No not handsome than Clooney but of-course better than you. I don't need a break in Bollywood like it's your dieing wish, however I'm well qualified and capable so I don't require any break. Unfortunately it was you dream about her and stuck in horizon.

I have answer for second paragraph but really I don't like to write nonsense or anything racist, because I'm not hypnotized to watch a frog in the ocean.

Learn to be funny while answering something against your posts, a little humor in writing does not hurt, junk does. Xenophobia is something which is totally irrelevant here while Cenophobia is fear of empty space, a very good school friend of mine had this and never could watch discovery space programs.

About the personal assault ... very cheap, overlooked and...its "dying", and next time before injecting nonsense words like how a comment is somehow "racist" to you, fathom the meaning of the word, its relevance and do not misuse it. If you only work on constructing the sentences correctly, the posts will make more (read some) sense. No offense, none taken.

On topic

The Usual Suspects --8.6/10 , if memory serves me right, I reckon there is a Hindi movie which implemented the same idea ( copied it ), it had Irfan Khan in it, don't remember the name though :)
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Sith Lord
Staff member
@Nightmare : yep. they were not launching a satellite, but repairing the Hubble telescope, but everything else checks out. to add to that.
Kowalksi overused the fuel in the start of the film. His choices don't make sense at all considering the circumstances. Both astronauts should have known the shuttle was unusable as soon as the debris struck. The film opens with there is no sound in space, but there were several instances in the film where scratching and grinding of the debris and the various cocoons (space stations, shuttles, re-entry crafts) made sounds. I donno if there are sparks in space, but there were some of those too. The trailer had explosions and fires, which was fortunately not there in the movie. The Indian singing mera joota hai japani was fun tho. The fire sequences were not accurate too, the piece of paper burning in zero grav had the flames going upward as if in normal grav. Overall, it was an underwhelming story, and a badly patched together plot that involved a tour of all the most important things in space atm.

but he really pushed cinematography ahead with the use of camera angles and the movement of the camera itself. storyboarding that must have been a task. remember only 1-2 brief sequences in other space movies where the camera moves that way.


Staff member

That name is suspicious enough.

This one is legit

Gayniggers from Outer Space (1992) - IMDb

@Nightmare : yep. they were not launching a satellite, but repairing the Hubble telescope, but everything else checks out. to add to that.
Kowalksi overused the fuel in the start of the film. His choices don't make sense at all considering the circumstances. Both astronauts should have known the shuttle was unusable as soon as the debris struck. The film opens with there is no sound in space, but there were several instances in the film where scratching and grinding of the debris and the various cocoons (space stations, shuttles, re-entry crafts) made sounds. I donno if there are sparks in space, but there were some of those too. The trailer had explosions and fires, which was fortunately not there in the movie. The Indian singing mera joota hai japani was fun tho. The fire sequences were not accurate too, the piece of paper burning in zero grav had the flames going upward as if in normal grav. Overall, it was an underwhelming story, and a badly patched together plot that involved a tour of all the most important things in space atm.

but he really pushed cinematography ahead with the use of camera angles and the movement of the camera itself. storyboarding that must have been a task. remember only 1-2 brief sequences in other space movies where the camera moves that way.

I don't even remember what happened in this movie. It doesn't impress much in longer run apart from the wow factor.


Wise Old Owl
Hahaha. That was funny.
In all sincerity what rating someone gives is upto them but for me Gravity was the best 3d experience I had till now.

its very true, but the perspective also says that its almost imminent that a good movie will get good/great/not-so-good rating. But not a disgraceful figure which might speak otherwise about the movie.


Broken In
The Hindi movie was Cocktail which if I remember had hashmi too. Saw 10 mins of it n switched off. After watching a brilliant Usual Suspects you can't see a nutcase garbage like Cocktail.

I agree. People can say gravity had technical flaws or story was far fetched but IMHO it doesn't deserves any rating below 7.
Most movies I watch at home cos lack of time going to cinema hall. But the moment I saw a glimpse of the trailer I knew Gravity has to be seen in 3d on big screen. For me it was the movie of last year.


Democracy is a myth
The Hindi movie was Cocktail which if I remember had hashmi too. Saw 10 mins of it n switched off. After watching a brilliant Usual Suspects you can't see a nutcase garbage like Cocktail.

I agree. People can say gravity had technical flaws or story was far fetched but IMHO it doesn't deserves any rating below 7.
Most movies I watch at home cos lack of time going to cinema hall. But the moment I saw a glimpse of the trailer I knew Gravity has to be seen in 3d on big screen. For me it was the movie of last year.

The movie is "Chocolate"
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