Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Also check out these beautiful thriller
Awesome chilly thriller... Its not a secret agent movie.... but there is going behind the back stuff.. its Law movie instead of heroic Police stuff. Its good.

Also, check out Enemy of the State
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Staff member
Saw Mithya: Don remade with less budget. Not as funny as Bheja Fry (from the same set of ppl) but very entertaining. will give 7.8/10. Must watch.
yup the movie is good, not the usual crap from bollywood.
Ending was plausible too.
7.8/10 from me too:D


 Macboy
Just finished American Gangster. Wow! A perfect ridley scott film. Tension throughout the film. Denzel Washington and Russel Crowe were amazing. Not sure why that old woman got best supporting actress though :|.

HD quality: Okay. Not great. But I guess they wanted that 'old film' look to it.
Sound Quality: Awesome! That bullet scene was mindblowing! DTS FTW!


A good cry movie, where I almost burst out into tears like an old lady who lost her walking stick, was Eight Below. Those poor dogs. If it weren't for my brothers being around at the time, I would surely have let go... :)
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Aspiring Novelist
Saw Fletch & Flecth Lives back-to-back.Awesome classic comedies.Chevy Chase one liners FTW! ;)

Need to make arrangements to catch up with 10,000 BC this weekend.After watching the 1080p trailer it's giving me a 300 like vibes.:D


What about people who want to laugh? Any nice comedy movie?
So far, there are many movies recommended here.. Off the top of my head I could recollect,

Hot shots 1 & 2
Fletch 1 & 2 (as recommended couple posts above. me yet to see)
Scary movie 1, 2 & 3 (2 is personally the best, there is a 4, but its badddd)
Bad Santa (sick and funny)
Death at a funeral (really nice comedy)
Snatch (Action packed comedy.. you will love it)
Naked gun 1,2 & 3 (No words to describe)
Police story 1-7 (another well known comedy flick... funny enough)
Clerks 1 & 2
Dodgeball (sports/fun.. a good one)
Pink panther
EDIT: ADD: Anger Management

From Snatch's director Guy Ritchie, I am about to see the movie
Lock, Stock and two smoking barrels its 8.1/10 and some reviews I read were good!

I hope for some more recommendations, as my comedy genre movies are veryl limited.
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its happiness what ever the movie name says
:) The movie is "pursuit of happyness" is what he said. there is another movie by the name "pursuit of happiness".
2. Analise This (Robert de nero in a rare amazing light hearted move)
Its Analyze this.

And a more comprehensive list can be obtained from here. Cross check with Imdb if you want to.
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 Macboy
I got to side with Legolas on this one. If the name of the movie is spelled with a "y" in happiness, then so be it. Also there is a specific reason this is so (if you have watched the movie, you will know).

Just as we can't use tags like "background-colour" instead of "Background-color" in CSS, same way we have to spell the name of the movie right.


Did any one noticed that Flags of our fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima are related to the same battle and some minor scenes have been used in the both movies?

I must say both are excellent war movies. My favorite is however is The Longest Day


 Macboy

Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima are both directed by Clint Eastwood. He was putting a lot of effort into Flags of our fathers, which was going to be just the one film. But when the preparation of the film was going on, he realised there were two sides to every story. So he commissioned a Japanese version of the exact same battle. Flags went on to be a dud, while Iwo Jima got critical acclaim. And rightly so. :)


NP : Crysis
Paranoid Park....brilliant pic and a unique style of narration. definitely a must watch

also, don't miss Bucket List. Another nice movie
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