Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


The Devil's Advocate
American Gangster i dont know why theres no particular reason but i liked the movie crowe and washington these guys rock next up is gonna be jumper and george clooney's next

american gangster's sound track is really good


 Macboy
I watched Michael Clayton. Not impressed. The movie is way too complicated with too much of dialog I didn't understand. And the ending is so so. If complicated is the basis of a good movie, I don't like it. Still, it's a 3/5. Watchable.


Another Brick in the Wall
Third Eye said:
Beowulf Good 3D Movie
I saw the other day and I didn't like it. Robert Zemekis is my fav. director, but I'm not sure why he wants to do GUI movies like this one and The Polar Express. Angelina Joile rocks though.
I would've liked if I saw in the cinemas with the 3D glasses and all.
I saw the other day and I didn't like it. Robert Zemekis is my fav. director, but I'm not sure why he wants to do GUI movies like this one and The Polar Express. Angelina Joile rocks though.
I would've liked if I saw in the cinemas with the 3D glasses and all.
Yeah right ..i may say it gets all its points for the effects

Well someone watched john water's hairspray out here 8.5/10

61 we may be creating a good rating set of movies with reviews


Another Brick in the Wall
I thought the movie was fully GUI! Yeah it was little odd, it looked too good to be fully animated!


 Macboy
Guys. Guys. You know how we sometimes kid around and say stupid things? Well this time I'm not going to do either of those. This is serious.


Awesome movie. Those who like music (It's not a musical in the traditional sense). Really well done. Beautiful songs, nice story. And if you care for awards, it has a lot of those in it's kitty. Sorry, no High Def though, it has been done on a budget.


NP : Crysis
^^yeah, i'd seen that one about an yr back and its pretty gud

Also saw Illusionist and Equilibrium....both highly recommended


Staff member
The most distant course

movie is slow nonetheless its one of the most beautiful (figuratively) movie, one of the best ending ever seen.


I have Yolks not Brains!

My rating:4/5

Denzel Washington rocked!!And direction was Top notch....One of the best releases of 07 for sure.........Although it was a bit long at 157 minutes, but the last one hour was very very interesting......
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I Always Prefer 1080p
Just finished watching The Bourne Trilogy in 720p - 3 in a row continuously
I always liked it.

Now watching A Few Good Men 720p (One of my all time favourite movies) ;)
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