Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

quan chi

mortal kombat
singham,wanted ,pokiri kind of movies are bearable,entertaining and gives pure fun.But movies like ready is totally a crap.


Democracy is a myth
Recommending a heavy movie,

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Read review no.2 when "best" filter is used.

The Seventh Continent Reviews & Ratings - IMDb


The Lincoln Lawyer - Nice entertaining movie!! A pretty fast paced movie!! After all the crappy roles McConaughey turns up with a brilliant one next to the one in A Time to Kill!!


Whaaat ? 9/10 | 8.5/10 :shock:
its 7/10 mate :p

Finally someone gave it an almost appropriate rating:p..for me it aint nothing more than 6!!

I agree with you on Shawshank Redemption. I never get tired of watching that movie. Each and every dialogue and scenes are breathtaking!! A gem of a movie!!
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In the zone
Yes, Class of Morgan and Tim is unbeatable :)
Also Schrinder's List is a must watch, i watched it again as i dont have internet so watching from my old stock :D


In the Zone
Then Better Go to single screen late night shows so at least U can pass ur time with some entertaining Comments:lol:

Bodyguard was actually a remake of a malayalam movie and it was perfectly made even though the storyline was pretty unrealistic. But they totally screwed up with the hindi remake and I still don't get why they selected salman Khan for the main role.. :confused:

Bad Teacher (2011) - IMDb

I don't know what should I say about this movie. I'm not even sure whether I liked it or not.:D
It had a few lol moments for sure but the movie never cared to make a point ...
Weird but mildly entertaining might sum it up :D
But it is shockingly unbelievable that this flick turned out to be a huge box-office hit :confused:
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In the Zone
There is no definite answer for that question :D
But majority might say it is Star wars series or Lord of the rings.. (But I still can't sit through a star wars movie for more than 15 min :D )
Personally I like iRobot , Matrix trilogy , The day after tomorrow, moon, and many more I can't remember ..:)


Chillum Baba
Mine would be X-men series.

The way back - Thanks for recommending. One of the best movies this year. Shocking tale of suffering, escape, survival and freedom.


Human Spambot
Watched some korean movies,

Someone special - 8/10
The heroin's(Na-yeong Lee) face expression was cute. Nice romance movie.

My sassy girl - 9/10
Romantic Comedy, enjoyable.

The classic - 8/10
Romance, There is a remake of this movie in Tamil.

Speedy scandal - 9/10
Comedy, Good entertainer.

A Millionaire's First Love - 9/10
Romance, a beautiful story on how love changes a man.
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