Aspiring Novelist
@Asingh Well please don't take it otherwise but a friendly question.
I must say your taste is weird you gave bodyguard a rating which according to many it doesn't deserve,and for movies like delhi belly or dev.d you have nothing!
Let me make this clear first i haven't seen any(bodyguard and delhi belly) of them yet.
But i did saw some bodyguard scenes and trust me i would say they are straight away lousy.Many people said it was almost a garbage.
Still tastes differ again sorry for asking this question as i just became curious when this movie was bashed by many and one of the members of this forum in must not thread.Then how could you give it a juicy rating
No problemo friend. I liked this question.
See...the type of lifestyle I lead, I work straight 8-9 hours at office (most which are spent in strategy and decision making meetings), takes me 1.5 hours to reach office and around 1.5 hours to come back. Which makes it a solid 12 hours x 5 days, non-stop. By the time Friday evening arrives I am quite efffed up in the head. Due to such time tables, I hardly get time for games and movies, and do personal stuff. Then weekends I have to meet a lot of people and interact with groups (not drinking and all) but just meeting people. So I can not really digest movies which show the reality of life in a crude and sickening manner. Delhi Belly and Dev. D did that which irritated me more and grated on my nerves. The type on intensity (yes that is there in Aamir Khan/Rao productions) I all ready have in my life -- if not more. I need the hyper reality visually which movies like Bodyguard (and will be watching Kaavalan too) help me unwind and get 2-3 hours away from reality. Also I am a live-in-the-past freak. Probably because I am much elder to the group here. If you notice I am more interested in watching old Shaolin Flicks, rather than going out for new stuff. A 'Balderunner' satisfies me more than an 'Inception'. Yea, weird taste.
@quan chi, asingh already told once that he does not like piece of life movies or movies that are too realistic.
He goes to movies to unwind and "bodyguard" are the kind of movie which help him do that.
Again, he has his choices...
I guess that sums it up nice.