Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Chillum Baba
I like being hugged:)) so can you all please suggest some good movies based on such theme or a sad romantic flic , allready watched the likes of Notebook , My sassy girl n forrest gump .

A moment to remember
Marathon (not exactly romantic but a hug is guaranteed)
Before Sunset
Lost in translation
Dear Frankie (subtitles recommended - strong Irish accent)
Snow Cake
The Fountain
P.S. I love you (I know there are many haters too, but I'll recommend it anyway)
The Classic
Cold Mountain
The Sea Inside
Dancer in the dark (Its a musical by Bjork...and if it clicks, its a serious tear jerker)
Definitely, maybe
Into the wild
Legends of the fall
The Lake House ( or korean Il Mare)
Hazaron Khawaishein Aisi

Fight Club
- OMG! I'm out of words. I have to make a usual trip to IMDB and then may comment more about it. A movie which started out so confusingly and wrapped up in such a complex manner in the last half an hour, definitely deserves an applaud. Edward Norton shines yet again and he just proves why he is so god dam good at what he does. Awesome movie.

Watch it for the second time and you will love it the most.

p.s - Tylers appears 4 or 5 times in the movie before he crosses Edward Norton on the escalator for the first time! You can catch many such things in the second watch which you definitely miss in the first. The movie has one of the most amazing scripts. Every dialogue is a gem.

Most of the people tend to like Brad Pitt, but I liked Norton's character more. Tyler of course also is awesome.


Most wanted
@rhitwick Thanks man for your list , right now i have City of angels in my HDD so we will try it tomorrow. I get free time only on weekends so trying to make up for it . Seen 500 DOS and i'll surely try 3 Iron .
And believe me if you watch a really good sad romantic movie with a girl then you are definitely going to get some free hugs:)) !! It makes them feel better and makes us feel even better for other reasons though .

^^ thanks to a_medico too.

quan chi

mortal kombat
Finally finished watching all the fast and the furious series.:D

well i am not much into cars.but still liked all of them.specially the first and the last one.
2fast 2furious wasnt that good but still better.


Aspiring Novelist
p.s - Tylers appears 4 or 5 times in the movie before he crosses Edward Norton on the escalator for the first time! You can catch many such things in the second watch which you definitely miss in the first. The movie has one of the most amazing scripts. Every dialogue is a gem.

Most of the people tend to like Brad Pitt, but I liked Norton's character more. Tyler of course also is awesome.
I rarely go for a second watch and considering the length, I doubt I will. However, the movie was extremely intriguing and sprung so many questions in the first hour itself. There would be a lot of "Why?" questions you'll keep asking yourself. The dialogues are definitely top notch, especially Tyler's crazy ass theories. I loved Norton because he had depth in his character. He knew when to switch roles on the fly. His narrative voice would kick in and he would instantly adapt to it. I loved the instance where he tries to imagine himself in his cave and sees his "power" animal. That moment occurs at different times in the movie. I read that the whole fight club formation is a big metaphor. Brilliant concept for sure.

sam9s said:
I hope you have seen Identity and The Usual Suspect ....... I was blown away by Usual Suspect then I was after watching Fight Club...
I have seen Identity. It was fantastic and the whole set up was amazing. I haven't seen The Usual Suspects, but will give it a try for sure.


Chillum Baba
I rarely go for a second watch and considering the length, I doubt I will.

I have seen Identity. It was fantastic and the whole set up was amazing. I haven't seen The Usual Suspects, but will give it a try for sure.

Even I rarely watch a movie for the second time. Fight Club and Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind were exception for me. In 2003 (or 2004), I watched Fight Club and Identity in a single week just by coincidence. 2 hard hitting movies in a single week was an awesome surprise.

I also recommend Fight Club Director's Cut or Uncut edition with David Fincher's commentary in the backgroud explaining every scene.

Russia - A Journey With Jonathan Dimbleby- The guy travels through Russia from west to east, city by city, village by village. Russia is vast! And so diverse. Loved the documentary.

Lifeline Express - India's Hospital Train
- I had high expectations but it turned out to be an average documentary.

Next on the list are - If Only and Wolf Creek
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thanx guys for no replys

Sky captain and world of tomorrow..
nice story with black and white theme
my ratings :- 6/10


Staff member
city of angels has one of my fav bands track. Iris by the goo goo dolls.

Wolf creek, watched a long long time ago. Its subtle unlike other survival and slasher movies.

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:44 PM ----------

guys me again

recommend some sci-fi and comedy movies

Event horizon, sunshine, pandorum, children of men.

---------- Post added at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 PM ----------

district 9 too, subtle moments of dark humor.

Deleted member 26636

Green Zone.. 7.5/10.....pretty good movie about the conspiracy leading to the iraq war..



Make Way the LORD is Here
Requiem for a Dream


a must watch people.... awesome movie about the effect of drugs on 4 people and what it does to them and what it makes them do


Can you hear it..??
Turtles can fly - An amazing movie which will surely find a place in your heart.

The Book of Eli
5/10 :) i was fedup of movies like " Earth is destroyed and the few left ones are fighting everyday for their lives and blah blah blah !!" However this time the concept was a bit different.

district 9 too, subtle moments of dark humor.
. Waste of time. Yet another alien movie.


Violent serenity.
LOL @ District 9 being called 'another alien movie'

Going to watch The Rampage by Uwe Bol. Hope he has succeeded in making a decent movie finally. Will get back to you people on it.


Violent serenity.
Woah, look who went to film school! That's right people, Uwe Boll. He finally learned to make 'films'. Just finished watching Rampage. The direction kind of sucks as it was a low budget film. The camera is all shaky and stuff but the plot is nice. Really nice.

The film makes a strong statement about current society and evil it bodes into young people's minds. The movie rages against materialism, corruption, selfishness, etc. And it also has some balls to walls action... been a long time since I had that.

So, I would rate it 6/10. A fun movie to kill an hour. Yes, the movie's that short. The plot should have had a longer build up but well... whatever there is, is worth watching.
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