Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Chillum Baba
Lone Survivor ..........Just finished the movie and .......Holy S*it ..... Not since the time of Black Hawk Down was I moved and enjoyed an out an out war movie till Lone Survivour came,....

Sam- I feel you have a soft corner for war movies and you tend to rate them with 1.113 extra points. I watched it last month due to some very good reviews. Enjoyed it but didnt find it to be exceptional. Maybe your hometheatre system is extraordinary too.

PS - Forgot to mention the Arabic (?) song from the movie Only Lovers Left Alive was wonderful! Posted it in the song section too.
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Wise Old Owl
Rush awesome movie really good , a must watch recommended movie............

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Lone Survivor ..........Just finished the movie and .......Holy S*it ..... Not since the time of Black Hawk Down was I moved and enjoyed an out an out war movie till Lone Survivour came, though the primise is completely different, impact is the same, especially when you know its a True Story, which actually made the entire experience more memorable............Plot is simple based on 2005's Operation Red Wings, a squad of US navy SEALs is dispatched on an assassination mission to eliminate one of Taliban's Leader. Ofcourse things do not go as planned. I must say couple of situations did appear cliched and I believe enough time was not given for the characters to develop properly, it just starts with the mission no, relationship development, no background story nothing..... it just kick right from the word go ....... but once the action starts its Fukcin gruesomely mind blowing ....... at a level equal to Black Hawk Down ...... its tense, brutal and very very realistic ..... specially with the HT I have now every single bullet and explosion was felt with full force .. .:D ......... add to this fine performance and solid direction, this one was a movie not to be missed, specially with a decent HT ...7/10 for this one
omg that home theater , one that can match with Ambani's


Ambassador of Buzz
Godzilla - 6/10. While visuals were nice, i really couldnt enjoy the movie. Too slow paced and Godzilla's screen time is like 10 minutes. Pacific rim was much better than this. Ironically the first 20 mins of the movie with Bryan cranston was the most enjoyable part of the movie.


N00B Troller
Godzilla (2014) - 9/10 , Should have watched in theaters :banghead: , Loved it . I liked the slow build up for the finale of the movie . Godzilla was awesome , Sound effects were great (DAT Roar) . Cinematography was good too . Liked the tension in the Halo Jump scene , the background score was good . Slight let-down by acting . Story was average for a monster movie . I liked it better than Pacific Rim (The tone of both movies is completely different though and hence I think they cant be compared). Now have to wait for 4 years for the sequel , Edwards should be making monster movies not some Star Wars spin-off :p . I dont give my views on CGI/VFX nowadays cause all movies' (the blockbusters ) CGI looks completely identical for most part cause they are being done by same studios .

P.S. If you though MoS had destruction , then I have some bad news for you .
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^ this is why i always say, get urself a premium credit card where they cashback u 25% or more on movie ticket purchases. :|


N00B Troller
^ this is why i always say, get urself a premium credit card where they cashback u 25% or more on movie ticket purchases. :|

It was not the money which was the problem , it was finding someone to go with . As X-Men DOFP was coming 1 week later , everyone wanted to catch that and everyone was kinda busy on the godzilla release week , So I couldn't go . Theaters are quite far from my place (the nearest one is 7km away) , so cant go alone .

quan chi

mortal kombat

I don't understand why some people are complaining against this movie & why some people are comparing this to the 1998 version.
This movie is good & so was the 1998 version. This movie is a remake of the original godzilla & godzilla (1998) was just another version of the same character. Like dc & elseworlds comics.

Anyways the movie is good however the final fight sequences could have been better.

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Btw Xmen-days of future past is good too however it has some weak CGI effects but if you are not paying much attention then it won't hinder the experience.


The Power of x480
Staff member
^^ But sam9s have HET now... he doesn't need theater to watch movies! Do you sammy? :/
(I just came to know today about your HET, and boy was I elated for the room you designed and built. How much it cost in total btw?)


Expendables 3 : This one got better chemistry stuff, than just boom boom. Well, those classic action movie stuff like all bullets fly, but none hit other than the heroes are here, and its always a treat to see somany stars getting together on screen, including jetli being hugged to chest by arnie (omg crying :hissyfit:). go see it now o......



Lost in speed
Expendables 3 : This one got better chemistry stuff, than just boom boom. Well, those classic action movie stuff like all bullets fly, but none hit other than the heroes are here, and its always a treat to see somany stars getting together on screen, including jetli being hugged to chest by arnie (omg crying :hissyfit:). go see it now o......

Saw it yesterday. It's a bit sentimental than its prequels. There are lot of in-jokes in most of the liners, as with the previous ones like Arnie saying "We should be retired, as we are old" and Li's arrival as a "very short notice". :rofl:

I especially liked the part when Ford mentions "Church (Willis) is out of the picture", as Willis demaned 1$ million for 1-day for 4 days - so Stallone replaced Willis with Ford. Overall, its better than Ex-2.

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My Neighbor Totoro - 10/10

I always wonder how Japanese make anime movies with an excellent story in simple animations.


Democracy is a myth
I love sound and I just came to know what I want (if I ever have enough dough)!

Mardaani 6/10

The movie breaks the reputation it created in its climax. Such hurried and clueless climax insults the crisp editing and smart approach it made in the first half.
Rani did good. Fighting scenes done by her are not convincing. Seems a one week older student of martial arts getting into fights because of her confidence boost. Pathetic.
The person playing "Karan Rastogi" was good, full corporate approach to flesh trade.

BUT, a bad remake of "Taken".

They should have put poster of "Liam Neeson" instead of "Heisenberg", at least that could have redeemed this movie a bit.

P.S. Only one song that too as background score. Good!


Ambassador of Buzz
And trust me yes a good Home Theater does make a LOT, LOT of difference. I dont even read or care people writing a review after watching a movie on their Laptop and then probably criticizing it for the same ...

I used to think the same dude, but a bad movie is a bad movie irrespective of the home theater experience. Even in theatres, i dozed off while watching Iron man 3, the wolverine, dawn of the planet of the apes. Those were sucky movies and no amount of IMAX experience could compensate for the cliche ridden, unoriginal plots. I am 100% sure i could not have enjoyed Godzilla in theatres with that slow paced, poor acting all around( except Cranston of course, the man is a genius) and absolutely trashy story.

quan chi

mortal kombat
The cabin in the woods
I really don't know where to place this film. Though its a satire but some parts are hard to get.
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